
Moip Assinaturas Client Library for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

jassinaturas Client Library for Java

Coverage Status Build Status Build Status wercker status


Client library to integrate Moip Assinaturas in Java.

Moip Assinaturas is a Moip's project that makes recurrence charges. It allows to create plans, customers, subscriptions and so on.

API documentation is available at: http://moiplabs.github.io/assinaturas-docs/api.html


  • Feign Client - 6.0.1

Maven dependency




First of all, you'll have to instanciate a new Assinaturas passing your credentials and the environment you want to connect.

	Assinaturas assinaturas = new Assinaturas(new Authentication("YOUR_TOKEN", "YOUR_SECRET"), new (SandboxCommunicator|ProductionCommunicator)());



Creating a new plan:

	Plan toCreate = new Plan();
        .withInterval(new Interval()
        .withTrial(new Trial()

After that you have to call following method:

	Plan created = assinaturas.plan().create(toCreate);

Listing all plans:

	List<Plan> plans = assinaturas.plan().list();

Getting a single plan:

	Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().show("YOUR_PLAN_CODE");

Updating a plan:

To update a plan, you should inform your new plan params, creating a new object of Plan and passing it to update method

	Plan toUpdate = new Plan();
        .withInterval(new Interval()
        .withTrial(new Trial()

After informing what you want to update, just call the following method:

    Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().update(toUpdate);

Activating a plan:

	Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().active("YOUR_PLAN_CODE");

Inactivating a plan:

	Plan plan = assinaturas.plan().inactive(toInactivate);



Creating a new subscription

	Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
            new Plan()
            new Customer()
                    new Birthdate()
                    new Address()
                        .withCity("São Paulo")
                        .withStreet("Some Street")
                    new BillingInfo()
                    	.withCreditCard(new CreditCard()
                            .withHolderName("Some Name")

You can also create a subscription just informing an already created customer:

	Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
        .withCustomer(new Customer()
        .withPlan(new Plan()

You also can use boleto bancário:

	Subscription toBeCreated = new Subscription();
        .withCustomer(new Customer()
        .withPlan(new Plan()

Then you'll need to call the following method:

	Subscription created = assinaturas.subscription().create(toBeCreated);

Updating a subscription

	Subscription toUpdate = new Subscription();
    	.withPlan(new Plan()
        .withNextInvoiceDate(new NextInvoiceDate()

Then call the following method:

	Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().update(toUpdate);

Activating a subscription:

	Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().activate("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");

Cancelling a subscription:

	Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().cancel("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");

Suspending a subscription:

	Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().suspend("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");

Getting a single subscription:

	Subscription subscription = assinaturas.subscription().show("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");

Listing all subscriptions:

	List<Subscription> subscriptions = assinaturas.subscription().list();

Listing invoices from a subscription:

	List<Invoice> invoices = assinaturas.subscription().invoices("SUBSCRIPTION_CODE");



Creating a new customer:

    Customer toCreate = new Customer();
            new Birthdate()
            new Address()
            new BillingInfo()
                    new CreditCard()

You can also create a customer without credit card information:

    Customer toCreate = new Customer();
            new Birthdate()
            new Address()

After creating the customer object, you'll have to call the following method:

    Customer created = assinaturas.customer().create(toCreate);

Updating a customer:

    Customer toUpdate = new Customer();
            new Birthdate()
            new Address()

After that just call the method:

    Customer created = assinaturas.customer().update(toUpdate);

Updating only credit card vault:

    Customer toUpdate = new Customer();
            new BillingInfo()
                    new CreditCard()

After that just call the method:

    Customer updated = assinaturas.customer().updateVault(toUpdate);

Listing all customers:

    List<Customer> customers = assinaturas.customer().list();

Showing a single customer:

    Customer customer = assinaturas.customer().show("CUSTOMER_CODE");



Getting single invoice:

    Invoice invoice = assinaturas.invoices().show(INVOICE_ID);

Getting payments from an invoice:

    List<Payment> payments = assinaturas.invoices().payments(INVOICE_ID);

Retring an invoice:

    Invoice invoice = assinaturas.invoices().retry(INVOICE_ID);

Gerar um novo boleto para uma fatura (invoice). Please see https://dev.moip.com.br/v1.5/reference#retentativa-de-pagamento-de-uma-fatura-por-boleto:

    Invoice invoice = assinaturas.invoices().newBoleto(INVOICE_ID, vencimentoBoleto);



Creating coupon:

            .withDiscount(new Discount()
            .withDuration(new Duration()
            .withExpirationDate(new ExpirationDate()

Then call:

    Coupon coupon = assinaturas.coupons().create(toBeCreated);

To activate a coupon:

    Coupon coupon = assinaturas.coupons().inactivate(couponCode);

To inactive a coupon:

    Coupon coupon = assinaturas.coupons().inactivate(couponCode);



  • Rodrigo Saito - @rodrigosaito
  • Breno Oliveira - @brenooliveira
  • Fernando Petroni - @febpetroni

wercker status





== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Danillo Souza. Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.