
Strider Web Back-end Assessment - 2.3

Primary LanguageC#


This project is my test for Strider. The test says it can be done in 8h, I think it is very inaccurate. You need to read all documents, implement a API, validations, tests, DB architecture and documentation for futures features. It is too much. This is what I done in approximately 8h, it is very incomplete for what is asked. Here are the assessments for that dumb test:

Strider Web Back-end Assessment - 2.3

Strider Technical Assessment Briefing

Here is the readme asked:


Strider Web Back-end Assessment - 2.3

dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --context SqliteDataContext --output-dir Migrations



  • Will be "reply-to-post" counting for the maximum 5 posts per day?
  • Will the user name mentioned couting for the maximum characters in post?


  • A new tab should be created in front-end to show replies;
  • Add a new property in Post entity to point to the reply post, will work similar as the quote feature;
  • New route to return only replies


  • Finish non-implemented features;
  • Finish to cover all methods and lines in Unit Tests
  • Make Database interation asyincronous;
  • Return validation and erros as a text to give a feedback;
  • Add general exception handle to avoid sending sensitive code stack to front-end;
  • Integration tests;