Textile Tech Stack

This is a toy CLI application that shows the libraries and patterns used by Textile's Engineering team.

How to build

make build


Add the postgres-uri connection string to the config file ~/.toy/config.

For testing purposes you can use the string postgres://toy:toy@localhost/postgres?sslmode=disable&timezone=UTC to connect to the Postgres docker container provided by make run-postgres.


./toy person

  toy person [command]

Available Commands:
  encode      encode receives the person info and encodes using ProtoBuffer
  list        list lists all persons info in the database
  store       store stores the person info in the database

  -h, --help   help for person

Global Flags:
      --log-debug   Enable debug level log
      --log-json    Enable structured logging

Use "toy person [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Example 1

Encode the information of a person

./toy person encode --id 1 --name Bruno

Example 2

Stores the information of a person in a database

./toy person store --id 2 --name Jose --email jose@gmail.com

Example 3

Lits all people stored in the database

.toy person list
ID: 2, Name: Jose, Email: jose@gmail.com

What is important to notice

  • How cobra and viper is used
    • The use of command and sub command
    • The use of flags and persistent flags
    • The use of required flags
    • The use of the cli helper built by Textile
  • How ProtoBuffer is used through buf
  • The use of Makefile
  • The use of sqlc
  • The use of GitHub Actions

Compiling .proto files

make protos

Generating access methods for database

make sql-assets