
Fetch images from your public Instagram profile using Puppeteer.

Primary LanguageVue

📸 Instafeed

Instafeed is a simple example on how to use Puppeteer to scrape several webpages and retrieve information from them with (or without) Cheerio. This information is served on a dynamic endpoint (/:username).

Technologies used:

  • Vue.js, Axios, TailwindCSS
  • Express, Puppeteer, Cheerio

Modify API URL inside client's .env file.

🚀 Deploy

Server (from branch "heroku-server")

Deploy server to Heroku


Deploy client to Netlify

📦 Buildpacks

Server uses the following Heroku buildpacks:

jontweks/puppeteer: For ensuring Puppeteer dependencies are installed on the server

heroku/nodejs: For building and running our Express app

💻 Commands

Client development

npm run serve


npm run build

Server development

npm run dev


npm run start

📝 Notes

Scraping websites depends on their structure. If Instagram decides to modify their endpoints/HTML structure then this example won't be functional anymore. However, it's still useful for learning purposes.