
python playground

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Considered as procedural as well as structural language

Key Features

Interpreted Language: code runs directly from the source code. No need to compile to machine level code before it is run.

Dinamically Typed: no need to define variable type once it is declared. Types are difined upon assignment and it can change over time.

Strongly Type: you cannot performe inappropriate to the type of the of the object.

Object Oriented Programming: allows definition of classes with composition and inheritance.ps. Python does not support modifiers such as public, private and protected.

Functions and Classes are first class objects: they can be assigned to variables and passed into function arguments.

Easy to read/write and multiple usage: read as english instructions and used in web, AI, scripts, etc.


  • Number: (int, float, complex) Immutable
  • String: Immutable
  • Tuple: Immutable, multi-type, ordered, faster
  • List: Mutable, multi-type, ordered, slower than tuple
  • Set: Mutable, unique values, ordered, multi-type
  • Dict: Mutable, unordered, indexed by key


Library: collection of python packages. E.g numpy, pandas, ...

Package: are namespace containing multiple modules.

Namespace: name system that ensure unique names.

Modules: files containing Python code. It could be classes, functions or variables

Memory Management

Private Heap: containing all objects and data structures. Controlled by Python Memory Manager, which happens in the interpreter itself. The allocation is performed on demand via Python/C API.

Python Memory Manager: handles dynamic storage like sharing, segmentation, preallocation and caching.

Allocates memory when a new instance 
(object) of the class is created.
def __int__(self):
    # self refers to the newly created object
  • Heap Memory: location in memory where it may be allocated at random access

  • Stack Memory: is allocated and released in a well-defined order (LIFO). Special region on the computer's memory that stores temp variables of each function. CPU organizes the stack efficiently, reading and writing is really fast.


Object that can be iterated upon i.e.traversed thru all values.e.g.collections, strings, and custom iterables

class MyNumbers:
    def __iter__(self):
        self.a = 1
        return self
  def __next__(self):
    if self.a <= 20:
        x = self.a
        self.a += 1
        return x
        raise StopIteration

myclass = MyNumbers()
myiter = iter(myclass)

for x in myiter:

Shallow vs Deep Copy

Python assignment do not copy objects! It only binds the target to an object.

Shallow vs Deep only make sense for compound objects, where object contains other objects.

Shallow Copy: creates a new object but copies the reference pointers of the original object for all compound objects. I.e.any change on the copy will also change the original object.

Deep Copy: It creates a whole new compound objects by copying only values not the references themselves. So, any change on the new object will not change the original object.


Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): Mutex that only allows 1 thread to run at one time.

Use Multiprocessing insted. It spaws subprocess, allowing concurrency.