
Just another utilities library, with random stuff that may be, or may be not, be useful to you.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Another Utils Library

This package was born with the plan of solving only one mans problem (the author), but it can, of course be of your interest.

Feel free to use, star, fork, make pull requests, appoint issues, and all that sort of stuff.



With npm
npm install another-utils-lib --save

Or if you're using yarn
yarn add another-utils-lib

in the following you'll see the library documentation.


API References for the package.

BR (Brazilian Utils)

const utils = require('another-utils-lib/br');

On this part you can find utilities for CPF, CNPJ (as listed below)


Generate CPF

const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');


Check format options.

Validate CPF

const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');


Note: characters like ., -, and space are allowed.

Format CPF

const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');

CPF.format('123.456.789-01', [formatOption]);

Check format options.

Format options

  • Default
const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');


Returns a CPF with the format XXX.XXX.XXX-XX

  • Digits
const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');

CPF.format('123.456.789-01', 'digits');

Returns a CPF with the format XXXXXXXXXXX

  • Checker
const { CPF } = require('another-utils-lib/br');

CPF.format('123.456.789-01', 'checker');

Returns a CPF with the format XXXXXXXXX-XX


Validate CNPJ

const { CNPJ } = require('another-utils-lib/br');


Note: characters like ., - and space are allowed.


Validate e-mail

const { validateEmail } = require('another-utils-lib');


Contribution guidelines

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request


This package in under the MIT License.

Made with ❤️ by Bruno De Masi