
Just a demo app using QRCode, VIPER and Github Api

Primary LanguageSwift



  • Swift 4.0.2+
  • xcpretty - a fast and flexible formatter for xcodebuild
  • Carthage - A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa

Under the hood

If you plan to change work on the source code you will probably need:


Be prepared, this project uses Carthage and will build all libraries as frameworks. Go grab a coffee and wait.

Run bin/setup

This will:

  1. Run carthage update --verbose --platform iOS


I'll finish writting all tests later... but in a perfect world you would run


This will run the tests from the command line, and pipe the result through XCPretty.

Note - You don't have access to the camera in the first controller. So i've wrote a sample mock to test it.

Note 2: In the folder SampleData inside Resources you will find qr code images to validate the app.