
Research: LangChain, Titanic SQLite Database, and the API of OpenAI

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Research: LangChain, Titanic SQLite Database, and the API of OpenAI

The main goal of this Jupyter Notebook is to use the Titanic SQLite database to explore the LangChain library and the API of OpenAI.

I'm using the SQL Database Agent of LangChain in order to interact with the database in a natural language way.


The table is called titanic and has the following columns.

šŸ„³ Amazing: even the this table was created using natural language:

"Give the column name, data type and description of the table titanic in markdown format"

Column Name Data Type Description
PassengerId TEXT Unique identifier for each passenger
Survived TEXT Whether the passenger survived or not
Pclass TEXT Passenger class
Name TEXT Passenger name
Sex TEXT Passenger gender
Age TEXT Passenger age
SibSp TEXT Number of siblings/spouses aboard
Parch TEXT Number of parents/children aboard
Ticket TEXT Ticket number
Fare TEXT Ticket fare
Cabin TEXT Cabin number
Embarked TEXT Port of embarkation

Answering the questions with natural language

After the configuration the agent is able to answer the following questions:

  1. How many passengers survived?
  2. How many passengers were in each class?
  3. How many passengers survived/died within each class?
  4. What was the average age of survivors vs non-survivors?
  5. What was the average age of each passenger class?
  6. What was the average fare by passenger class? By survival?
  7. How many siblings/spouses aboard on average, by passenger class? By survival?
  8. How many parents/children aboard on average, by passenger class? By survival?

Example #1: How many passengers survived?

> Entering new SQLDatabaseChain chain...
How many passengers survived?

SQLQuery: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM titanic WHERE Survived = '1';

SQLResult: [(342,)]

Answer: 342 passengers survived.
> Finished chain.

' 342 passengers survived.'

Example #2: How many passengers were in each class?

> Entering new SQLDatabaseChain chain...
How many passengers were in each class?

SQLQuery: SELECT Pclass, COUNT(*) FROM titanic GROUP BY Pclass;

SQLResult: [('1', 216), ('2', 184), ('3', 491)]

Answer: There were 216 passengers in first class, 184 passengers in second class, and 491 passengers in third class.
> Finished chain.

' There were 216 passengers in first class, 184 passengers in second class, and 491 passengers in third class.'