
Um simples Palpitômetro da Copa do Mundo de 2022. Rest API C#, Banco SQLite e frontend em Angular

Primary LanguageC#


PT-BR: Um simples Palpitômetro da Copa do Mundo de 2022. Rest API C#, Banco SQLite e frontend em Angular.

EN: A simple Guessing application for 🌐 2022 FIFA World Cup. Register teams, Matches and your guesses for each game. C# Rest API, SQLite Database and Angular Frontend.

Built With

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • C# (ASP.NET Core) 5.0 Rest API
  • SQLite Database
  • VS code
  • Git

Getting Started


  • Create an account on github

  • Install git bash or use git on the command line.

  • Use an IDE of your preference such as VS Code.

  • Install Node JS

  • Install .NET 5.0

Steps to follow:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine

  • git clone https://github.com/brunogroth/Palpitometro.git
  • Navigate to cd Palpitometro directory.


  • Navigate to cd API_Copa directory.

  • To install all the app dependencies on the command line run

  • dotnet restore && dotnet build
  • To run the API in the development mode run

  • dotnet watch run

Angular Frontend

  • Navigate to cd FRONT_Copa directory.

  • To install all the app dependencies on the command line run

  • npm install
  • To run the Frontend in the development mode run

  • ng serve -o


👨 Bruno Groth

🤝 Contributing

  • Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
  • Feel free to check the issues page.

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