
This project is a experimentation of a Rest API for the role playing campaign's "A subversão da magia" lore chat bot.

Primary LanguageC#

Guidelines on what to do:

  1. Get main char's data to populate partyinfo.json.
  2. Create attribs for CharacterInfo.(Name,gender,LEVEL(lv up endpoint),alignment, rumours, war fame)
  3. Create SVN smalltalks utilities (SVNRPG SmallTalks).
  4. Treat Exceptions.
  5. Implement Character sheet creation and pdf export
  6. Create a crawler to redeem data from roll20 website.
  7. Create a crawler for d&dBeyond:


Search: https://www.dndbeyond.com/search?q=giant%20owl&f=monsters&c=monsters
Get Monster: https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/{{monster}}



About the RestAPI

  1. Populate UserContext.cs and MySettings.cs with whatever you need.
  2. Remember to register everything else you create and/or need @ Startup.cs
  3. If needed, install Take.CustomerSuccess.Extensions and register the needed services