
ONVIF node.js implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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ONVIF Client protocol Profile S Node.js implementation.

This is a wrapper to ONVIF protocol which allows you to get information about your NVT (network video transmitter) device, its media sources, control PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) movements and manage presets, detect devices in your network and control its events.




npm install onvif - install latest stable version

npm install agsh/onvif - install latest version from GitHub

npm install agsh/onvif#dev - install latest development version

Clone the latest version from github

git clone https://github.com/agsh/onvif.git


In the library directory run npm test

To test with the real device, set appropriate environment variables HOSTNAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD, PORT and run tests.


To build jsdoc for the library with default theme run npm run jsdoc. Otherwise use jsdoc with sources from ./lib/*.js

Quick example

This example asks your camera to look up and starts a web server at port 3030 that distributes a web page with vlc-plugin container which translates video from the camera.

  http = require('http'),
  Cam = require('onvif').Cam;

new Cam({
  hostname: <CAMERA_HOST>,
  username: <USERNAME>,
  password: <PASSWORD>
}, function(err) {
  this.absoluteMove({x: 1, y: 1, zoom: 1});
  this.getStreamUri({protocol:'RTSP'}, function(err, stream) {
    http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
      res.end('<html><body>' +
        '<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" target="' + stream.uri + '"></embed>' +

Other examples

  • example2.js takes an IP address range, scans the range for ONVIF devices (brute force scan) and displays information about each device found including make and model and default RTSP address

  • example3.js reads the command line cursor keys and sends PTZ commands to the camera


Different cameras have different ONVIF implementation. I've tested this module only with a couple of devices. So if you got different problems with this library, please let me know via e-mail. Else please just send the model of your camera to me.


This page and API class documentation you can found here: http://agsh.github.io/onvif/

Short description of library possibilities is below.


Since 0.2.7 version library supports WS-Discovery of NVT devices. Currently it uses only Probe SOAP method that just works well. You can find devices in your subnetwork using probe method of the Discovery singleton. Discovery is an EventEmitter inheritor, so you can wait until discovery timeout, or subscribe on device event. Here some examples:

var onvif = require('onvif');
onvif.Discovery.on('device', function(cam){
// function will be called as soon as NVT responses
	cam.username = <USERNAME>;
	cam.password = <PASSWORD>;
var onvif = require('onvif');
onvif.Discovery.probe(function(err, cams) {
// function will be called only after timeout (5 sec by default)
	if (err) { throw err; }
	cams.forEach(function(cam) {
		cam.username = <USERNAME>;
		cam.password = <PASSWORD>;

In all of that cases you've got disconnected cameras because to manage them you need tuple username:password. So, as shown in the examples, you can assign these properties and call connect method to get full functionality.

Discovery.probe(options, callback)


  • timeout, number. Time the probe method will wait NVT responses in ms
  • resolve, boolean. If this argument is false, all discovered NVTs would be presented as data object instead of Cam instance

Discovery events

  • device(cam, remoteInfo, responseXML) fires on device discover. cam is a Cam instance, remoteInfo is an object with network information and responseXML is a body of SOAP response
  • error(error) fires on some UDP error or on bad SOAP response from NVT

Cam class

var Cam = require('onvif').Cam;

new Cam(options, callback)

Options are:

  • hostname
  • username, password (optional, to deal with majority of functions)
  • port (optional)

If the username and password are present, camera tries to connect automatically. Otherwise use connect method. Once again, without credentials you can execute only getSystemDateAndTime method.

Callback (optional) executes when the cam is initialised. Single argument for this function is possible error.

Technical description

When the cam object creates it automatically sends three command to the ONVIF device: getCapabilities, getVideoSources and getProfiles. It fills correspondent properties of an object:

  • capabilities
    • device
    • events
    • imaging
    • media
    • PTZ
    • extension
  • uri (this is a links to different NVT services)
  • videoSources
    • $.token
    • framerate
    • resolution
  • profiles, array of profile object
    • name
    • videoSourceConfiguration
    • videoEncoderConfiguration
    • PTZConfiguration

After that it runs getActiveSources method. It iterates over all video sources and tries to find out proper configuration for profile and videosource. First matching profile becomes a member of defaultProfiles array and video source configuration with ptz configuration becomes a member of activeSources array.

Configuration for the first or the only one video source becomes defaultProfile and activeSource properties. All methods without passing options object use it. You can change it manually at any time.

  • defaultProfile (link to the first profile in profiles)
  • activeSource (based on the default profile)
    • sourceToken
    • profileToken
    • encoding
    • width
    • height
    • fps
    • bitrate
    • ptz


Connect to the camera and fill device information properties with getCapabilities, getVideoSources, getProfiles methods

See more detailed information at http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/media.wsdl After cam initialisation we can run several ONVIF commands. There are several common methods that work without credentials. Here are they: getSystemDateAndTime.


Returns a Date object with current camera datetime in the callback. Works without credentials (passed username and password arguments).


Device. Returns a device information, such as manufacturer, model and firmware version in the callback Works without credentials (passed username and password arguments).


Device. Returns in callback and assigns to #services property an array consists of objects with properties: namespace, XAddr, version


Device. Returns in callback and assigns to #serviceCapabilities property the capabilities of the device service (not media): network, security and system. If your device supports some auxiliary capabilities they will be there too.

getStreamUri(options, callback)

Media. Returns a URI that can be used to initiate a live media stream using RTSP as the control protocol The options are:

  • stream (optional) - defines if a multicast or unicast stream is requested. Possible values are: 'RTP-Unicast' (default), 'RTP-Multicast'
  • protocol (optional) - defines the network protocol for streaming. Possible values are: 'UDP', 'TCP', 'RTSP' (default), 'HTTP'
  • profileToken (optional) - defines media profile to use and will define the configuration of the content of the stream. Default is #activeSource.profileToken

getSnapshotUri(options, callback)

Media. Obtain a JPEG snapshot URI from the device.

getPresets(options, callback)

Returns the saved presets as an a key-value object where the key is the name of a preset and a value is a preset token. This method also stores the presets information in a #presets property of an object.

The options are:

  • profileToken (optional) - defines media profile to use and will define the configuration of the content of the stream. Default is #activeSource.profileToken

gotoPreset(options, callback)

Operation to go to a saved preset position for the PTZ node in the selected profile.

The options are:

  • profileToken (optional) - defines media profile to use and will define the configuration of the content of the stream. Default is #activeSource.profileToken
  • preset - the name of preset. List of presets you can get by #getPresets method or in #presets property.


PTZ. Returns the properties of the current PTZ node, if it exists. Use this function to get maximum number of presets, ranges of admitted values for x, y, zoom, iris, focus. Sets all information into #nodes property.

relativeMove(options, callback)

PTZ. This is a relative pan-tilt-zoom method. Options for this method is a delta between desired and current position of the camera.

The options are:

  • x Pan, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • y Tilt, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • zoom Zoom, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • speed An object with properties

    • x Pan speed
    • y Tilt speed
    • zoom Zoom speed

    If the speed option is omitted, the default speed set by the PTZConfiguration will be used.

Callback is optional and means essentially nothing

absoluteMove(options, callback)

PTZ. This is an absolute pan-tilt-zoom method. Options for this method is an absolute position of the camera.

The options are:

  • x Pan, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • y Tilt, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • zoom Zoom, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional

  • speed An object with properties

    • x Pan speed
    • y Tilt speed
    • zoom Zoom speed

    If the speed option is omitted, the default speed set by the PTZConfiguration will be used.

Callback is optional and means essentially nothing

continuousMove(options, callback)

Operation for continuous Pan/Tilt and Zoom movements

The options are:

  • x Pan velocity, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional
  • y Tilt velocity, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional
  • zoom Zoom velocity, number or a string within -1 to 1, optional
  • timeout Timeout in milliseconds, number. If timeout is omitted, movement will continue until stop command

stop(options, callback)

PTZ. Stop ongoing pan, tilt and zoom movements of absolute relative and continuous type

Options and callback are optional. The options properties are:

  • profileToken (optional) - defines media profile to use and will define the configuration of the content of the stream. Default is #activeSource.profileToken
  • panTilt (optional) - set true when we want to stop ongoing pan and tilt movements. If panTilt arguments are not present, this command stops these movements.
  • zoom (optional) - set true when we want to stop ongoing zoom movement. If zoom arguments are not present, this command stops ongoing zoom movement.

getStatus(options, callback)

PTZ. Returns an object with the current PTZ values.

	position: {
		x: 'pan position'
		, y: 'tilt position'
		, zoom: 'zoom'
	, moveStatus: {} // camera moving
	, utcTime: 'current camera datetime'


PTZ. Get all the existing PTZConfigurations from the device. Configurations saved into #configurations property

getConfigurationOptions(configurationToken, callback)

PTZ. Get supported coordinate systems including their range limitations for selected configuration. Extends corresponding configuration object

Supported methods

  • GetSystemDateAndTime
  • GetCapabilities
  • GetVideoSources
  • GetProfiles
  • GetServices
  • GetDeviceInformation
  • GetStreamUri
  • GetSnapshotUri
  • GetPresets
  • GotoPreset
  • RelativeMove
  • AbsoluteMove
  • ContinuousMove
  • Stop
  • GetStatus
  • SystemReboot
  • GetImagingSettings
  • SetImagingSettings
  • GetHostname
  • GetScopes
  • SetScopes


  • 0.4.1 Improved discovery (@sousandrei, @RogerHardiman)
  • 0.4.0 Encoder support (@chriswiggins), Imaging service (@EastL)
  • 0.3.1 EventEmitter-based events
  • 0.3.0 Refactoring, documentation, event service basics
  • 0.2.7 WS-Discovery


WSDL schemes and docs: