
Gitlab-Slack Notifier - Integration between Gitlab Webhook Events and Slack Bot notifications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gitlab-Slack Notifier

This project aims to integrate Gitlab with Slack teams through webhooks. To do so, we created a service in NodeJS that handle the hooks to Slack channels and also direct messages to slack users.

So far, we integrated Push Hooks and Merge Request Hooks.

IMPORTANT: If you want to notify the slack users through DM, they must have the same username in Gitlab and Slack.

Ex: Slack username: @brunojdo and Gitlab username: brunojdo


  • NodeJS 8.3
  • Express 4.10.*

See others dependencies here.


There is two ways to start the service that we describe on follow sections.

Docker Image

You can start the service using a docker container. Execute the command below:

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -e SLACK_TOKEN=your-bot-token --name notifier-slgb brunodias20/slack-gitlab-notifier:latest

Environment Setup

You must pass the token of slack bot trough environment variable SLACK_TOKEN.

You also can pass an env SERVICE_PORT that will set a port of the service inside the container (optional).

In addition, you can simply configure your own config.yml and bind as a volume with your container. For example:

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:8080 --name notifier-slgb -v ~/config.yml:/opt/app/config.yml brunodias20/slack-gitlab-notifier:latest

ATTENTION: You must bind your config.yml correctly. The path of config.yml inside the container is /opt/app/config.yml. See more information about config.yml

Docker Store

This project is also available on Docker Store, check out here!


If you prefer, you may also clone this project and run npm. On the ./app folder you can execute:

npm run build && npm run serve


Enable Webhooks

In your Gitlab project select Settings -> Integrations and put your service address. For example, on: http://localhost:8080/webhook select which hooks you want use. For more information click here.

Create a SlackBot

To create a slackbot click here. If you are in doubt visit: https://api.slack.com/bot-users

File config.yml

This file has several configuration options, such as:

Parameter Description Required
system.name Name to display when accessing the root address true
system.port Service port (Default: 8080) false
lang_selector Language to use for notifications true
slack.bot.name Bot Name true
slack.bot.token Bot Token true
slack.bot.icon Image for the bot avatar false
slack.push_channel Slack channel where Push Event notifications will be posted true
slack.mr_channel Slack channel where MR Event notifications will be posted true
slack.clrPush Color of push messages false
slack.clrOpen Color of opened MR messages false
slack.clrUpdate Color of updated MR messages false
slack.clrMerge Color of merged MR messages false
slack.clrNotAssigned Color when MR has no selected Assignee false
gitlab.events List of all Hooks accepted by service true

Language options

This project has two languages defined to send slack notifications:

  • English (lang/en_US.yml)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (lang/pt_BR.yml)

Select a language

Just change the lang_selector parameter inside config.yml file to your preferred language.

You can also contribute with the project by translating it to your language and submitting a PR to us!


You can check if others are experiencing similar issues here. Also feel free to open issues.


You can contribute to our project!! To do this, see our list of issues and make a PR! ❤️


We would like to thank the projects SlackBots.js and Gitlab-Handler-Webhooks for the awesome libraries to work with Slack API and Gitlab Webhooks Events. Thank you, guys!