
Decision support for the design of patient-centered research

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Decision support for the design of patient-centered research

researchdesigneR provides decision support for data scientists having to choose a data science design and analytic strategy for patient-centered research projects. The software structure is pretty simple, with an operational classification of multiple data science methods connected to a system that allows for efficient searching. The latter is based on fzf, rg, bat, and ag to facilitate navigation. The classification hierarchy we use on the different methods is not comprehensive, authoritative, or even necessarily correct, i.e., intended to achieve a consensus among experts. The goal is pretty pedestrian: help data scientists choose an approach when faced with a research question. The classification is managed directly through the wiki for this project, meaning that if you are not happy about it you either create a pull request or just add or change the Wiki pages by hand.

We will soon be providing installation instructions, but for now check our Wiki, where we just started adding some content about individual methods and use cases.

Installation instructions


Please install the following dependencies:

  1. R, along with the rmarkdown package.
  2. fzf
  3. ag
  4. rg
  5. devicons
  6. bat
  7. Neovim - we do plan on releasing a version compatible with Sublime Text later on.


  1. Add the content of the init.vim file to you .vimrc file if you use vim or init.vim if you use neovim. Then add.
  2. Add the content of the .zshrc file to the end of your .bashrc file if you use bash, or to .zshrc if you use zsh.

The software is a minor modification from two previously posted snippets by Dan Mikita and a file content search script posted in the fzf examples page.

We have tested the software in Manjaro, Ubuntu, and Mint, but if you encounter any difficulties please post an issue.

Using researchdesigneR

Searching for specific methods

  1. After you have installed the two scripts above, download or clone the researchdesigneR wiki using this link.
  2. Using your terminal, cd into the directory with the researchdesigneR wiki and start an nvim session without opening any files.
  3. Press e to start researchdesigneR in method-finding model. Unless you have manually changed your neovim, the leader key should be your backlash: .
  4. To move up and down the data science tree, just start with a number followed by the name of the method. To go to the next method down in the hierarchical tree, add a space and start typing the next number.
  5. When you get to the method page, hitting enter will get you to a page with all the details about the method (see the section below on "How we have described each data science method" for content details). You can also edit that page. At that point you can make changes to the page to make it comply with your personal preferences, create a pull request to contribute to researchdesigner, or just add or change the Wiki pages by hand.

Search for specific content inside the data science pages

  1. Navigate to the directory with the researchdesigneR wiki, and type rd. This shortcut assumes that you didn't change the script provided in the .zshrc file.
  2. Start typing for whatever you might want to find. Like before, use a space if the letters you are searching for are not contiguous. For example, if you are searching for a sentence such as "stepped wedge trials," typing "st tr" would be a match.

How we have described each data science method

Each data science method is described following the following structure: pre-requisites, mock conclusions, Methods, Results, suggested additional methods, and learning materials. Of importance, each method is always described in the context of patient-centered use cases. For example, we know that a regression machine learning method is used to predict a numeric variable. One of its patient-centered use cases is then to predict a clinical score that is logistically challenging to obtain in the clinic, based on features (predicting variables) available from the electronic health record. An example would be to predict a frailty score from elderly patients attending a geriatric clinic. In this scenario, where patients don't have to undergo the full frailty evaluation as it is time consuming and slows down the clinic pace. Use cases are important since they are not "obvious" from the method, but are instead clever applications to patient-centered issues.


Pre-requisites include the types of variables you should have in order to conduct the analysis, be they already collected or about to be prospectively collected. They also include logistic requirements, for example the availability of electronic health record, images, a certain type of biomarker, or even access to a patient population where the data could be collected. Last, other requirements are less tangible, such as the presence of equipoise to conduct a randomized trial.

Mock conclusions

Mock conclusions represent the most frequent structure for conclusions reached at the end of a typical analysis with that method. Although they are similar to a traditional research hypothesis, Alvin Feinstein believed that stating formally stating a conclusion would force researchers to think through exacly they might want to say at the end of their research project. Another way to think about mock conclusions is to assume that these will be the three or four main bullet points in a final slide called Conclusions when you are presenting your article at the top conference of your medical society. Of course, whether your mock conclusions match the final results is not relevant, the key concept is that you think through what you would ideally like to be able to say.

Methods (manuscript section)

We list reporting guidelines to enhance the reproducility and overall quality of your article. Most of them are included in the Equator Network, and many have been developed following at standard methodology.. In cases where a specific guideline does not exist, we might provide a collection of similar guidelines or a group of articles that might provide guidance.

Results (manuscript section)

We provide a list of open source software packages in, most commonly, R, Python, or Julia languages. Many of these packages will have tutorials and code that is ready to run.

In addition, we provide examples of tables and plots associated with the method, along with a brief description of how to interpret them. These examples will come from open access articles whenever available. If not available, we provide a mock example mimicking the structure of a table or plot from an actual article.

Suggested companion methods

This is a list of other methods that might be used in conjunction with the method being described. The rationale for this parallel use is explained, focusing on what is common between the two and the essence of why you might want to link them.

Learning materials

In this section we provide learning materials directed at data scientists, researchers, and patients. Materials for data scientists will often have a description of the theory and some code. The mathematical underpinnings of the method is described from multiple perspectives whenever possible, including a narrative, the concept, graphical overviews, the algebra, and the numeric explanations. In contrast, materials for researchers will focus on what is required for the method to be used, what they should expect to get out of the method, and the basic mechanics behind the algorithm. Patient materials will use lay language focused on how that method might be interpreted in the context of a given disease.


The minor modifications from previous software are released under an MIT open source license, while the content of the researchdesigner wiki Creative Commons License is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.