
In autonomous driving, the Frenet coordinate system is often used. In the Frenet system, the coordinate of an object is defined by two values: the longitudinal and the lateral position of the object with respect to a reference line.

In this problem, the reference is given as a finite list of points.

  1. Constructs a continuous reference line given an input list of points in a cartersian coordinate C1.
  2. Provides functionality to convert any point in the cartersian coordinate C1 (that is, in the same coordinate with the list of points used to construct the continuous reference line) to the frenet coordinate. Following the direction of the given input points, the first point on the input list has the longitudinal position of 0. All points on the reference line have the lateral position of 0. All points to the left of the reference line have negative lateral position and all points to the right have the positive lateral position.

Please write some unit-tests to demonstrate how to use your class. You can use any third-party library, but if that is the case, please explain how the third-party library works. Please use this repository as your working repository and push all your code here.

Sample input points are given as a protobuf message in text format, which can be found on this repository.

An illustration can be found in the image below. The red line is the reference line.

How to use

Build the code

docker build -t fresnet . -f Dockerfile

Run the code

docker run -it fresnet

Build the tests

docker build -t tests . -f test.Dockerfile

Run the tests

docker run -it tests

For the visualization of the charts for the initial spline and the plotted point, it is necessary to open the file fresnet.html in your browser.