Chrome Extension

Base code for Chrome Extension

Getting Started

Run the following commands to install dependencies and start developing

yarn && yarn dev


  • yarn dev - run webpack in watch mode
  • yarn storybook - runs the Storybook server
  • yarn build - builds the production-ready unpacked extension
  • yarn test -u - runs Jest + updates test snapshots
  • yarn lint - runs EsLint
  • yarn prettify - runs Prettier
Loading the extension in Google Chrome

In Google Chrome, open up chrome://extensions in a new tab. Make sure the Developer Mode checkbox in the upper-right corner is turned on. Click Load unpacked and select the dist directory in this repository - your extension should now be loaded.

Installed Extension in Google Chrome

Loading the extension in Brave

In Brave, open up brave://extensions in a new tab. Make sure the Developer Mode checkbox in the upper-right corner is turned on. Click Load unpacked and select the dist directory in this repository - your extension should now be loaded.

Installed Extension in Brave

Loading the extension in Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox, open up the about:debugging page in a new tab. Click the Load Temporary Add-on... button and select the manfiest.json from the dist directory in this repository - your extension should now be loaded.

Installed Extension in Mozilla Firefox

Misc. References