
light it up.

Primary LanguageC


An esp32 based discord bot light-like. On the shoulders of giants; project built off abobija's esp32-discord library written in C.


esp32 is a microcrontroller (kinda like arduino) manufactured by espressif.

The bot lives on the microcontroller and uses built-in WiFi to connect to discord.

This v1 version is hardcoded to connect to a guild server and a specific user. The bot must be invited to the server and allowed permission to see 'voice-state'.


how it works

The bot first connects to wifi then attempts to create a socket connection to the discord gateway api to receive 'voice-state' commands from the desired user. After the connection is made, it only listens to discord events when the user joins/exits a channel.

If the user voice-state object contains a channelID (meaning it is not null) they are in a voice channel. As of now we don't care what channel specifically, just that they are in one.


example return:

  "channel_id": "157733188964188161",
  "user_id": "80351110224678912",
  "session_id": "90326bd25d71d39b9ef95b299e3872ff",
  "deaf": false,
  "mute": false,
  "self_deaf": false,
  "self_mute": true,
  "suppress": false,
  "request_to_speak_timestamp": "2021-03-31T18:45:31.297561+00:00"

More information is available on the discord bot developer portal.


  1. configure dev environment, espressif SDK and esp32 tool chain. more info at:


  2. configure wifi address and discord bot key

    idf.py menuconfig

  3. after making changes rebuild

    idf.py build

  4. flash

    idf.py flash --port /dev/tty.usbserial-0001

More info


https://brunokruse.com/ https://github.com/brunokruse

credit to esp32-discord library by: https://github.com/abobija/esp-discord
