
Strategy to manually bkp a cpanel account and send it to the dropbox. Ideal for very large files.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Save BKP from Cpanel to Dropbox Manually

This script is ideal for sending large files without losing connection to Dropbox. The file when larger than 300MB is divided into blocks of up to 300MB. At the end of sending blocks, the final file is saved in Dropbox.

How to run a manual backup

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/pkgacct USERNAME DIRECTORY

DOC https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/360051760834-How-to-run-a-manual-backup

Sending BKP to Dropbox

  • Create an app on Dropbox

  • Generate an authentication token

  • Paste your ACCESS TOKEN in the script, line 54

  • Install the dependencies

  • Give the script permission

chmod -X bkp-cpanel-dropbox.py
  • Run script


  • Python 2.7
  • Install pip
  • Install dependencies
pip install dropbox tqdm

Run script

python bkp-cpanel-dropbox.py FILE_ORIGIN FILE_DESTINY
  • FILE_ORIGIN: Location of the file to be sent
  • FILE_DESTINY: Location where the file will be saved in the dropbox
    • default: "/BKP-CPANEL/"