
Emacs ExUnit test runner

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



Provides commands to run ExUnit tests. The output is syntax highlighted and stacktraces are navigatable.


exunit is available in melpa and can be installed via package-install command.

(add-hook 'elixir-mode-hook 'exunit-mode)


C-c , aexunit-verify-all Run all the tests in the current project
C-c , uexunit-verify-all-in-umbrella Run all the tests in the current umbrella project
C-c , vexunit-verify Run all the tests in the current buffer, or the test file corresponding to the current buffer
C-c , sexunit-verify-single Run the test under the point
C-c , rexunit-rerun Re-run the last test invocation
C-c , texunit-toggle-file-and-test Toggle between a file and its tests in the current window
C-c , dexunit-debug Run the test under the point in IEx shell. Supports IEx.pry method for debugging.
C-c , 4 texunit-toggle-file-and-test-other-window Toggle between a file and its tests in other window

Invoking any of these commands with a prefix argument C-u will cause a prompt to be shown for additional arguments before the test(s) are run.


Run tests in a docker

For example, you can redefine an exunit-mix-command to the following to execute in backend service context:

(setq exunit-mix-command
      (lambda (args)
        (let* ((args (s-join " " args))
               (mix-command (concat "'mix test " args "'")))
          ;; Adjust to your needs
          (list "docker-compose" "exec" "backend" "sh" "-c" mix-command))))