
This contains the energy disaggregation code based on Graph Signal Processing approach

Primary LanguagePython



This python code has been implemented by translating the Matlab code developed by the authors of the paper titled "On a training-less solution for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring using graph signal processing". Note I don't have Matlab code with me now so please don't email me for the Matlab files.


The directory contains two py files: (i) gsp_disaggregator.py: It is the main file. (ii) gsp_support.py: It contains the supporting functions called by gsp_disaggregator. Also, it contains a demo data file used by gsp_disaggregator.py. Please read comments provided in the gsp_disaggregator.py to understand what different functions do.


If you use this copy of code in your work then cite "On a training-less solution for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring using graph signal processing" paper.


2018-12-29 Added the ability to label disaggregated appliances by comparison with a signature database using DTW or FastDTW and some small features. @aleonnet