
Simple tool to create awesome text animations

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense

New version working with Text Mesh PRO:


Text Juice

Is a plugin to allow you do "per-character-animation" on text fields, like this one:


Controlling the animation

This git is a ready to be used as sub-module, so just add to your project anywhere inside the Assets Folder, something like Assets/Text Juicer/

If you don't know how to add as a sub-module you can check this guide

Or you can just download the Unity Package

Controlling the animation

Basically you can access and change the progress of the animation by the animator itself, or using the helpers inside the TextAnimation, by simply caling, Play(), Stop() and Restart()

Adding new effects

Is quite simple, you just need to extend the BaseVertexModifier, and you have access to change whatever you want, in the example bellow, is using a curve to simple multiply the Y from the position itself, generating this effect

using UnityEngine;

namespace TextAnimation.Effects
    public class YVertexModifier : BaseVertexModifier
        private AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0,1));

        public override void Apply(CharController charController, ref UIVertex uiVertex)
            uiVertex.position.y *= curve.Evaluate(charController.Progress);
Multiple Effects

You can add multiple effects at same time, like the PerCharacter and the X Modifier

Current Effects:

  • X
  • Y
  • Color Modifier
  • Cylinder
  • Scale Vertex Modifier
  • Glitch

You can check effects accessing this link:

Inspired in this post from reddit, and the awesome ui-extensions