- Automatically identify Google Play Crash reports information and settings
- Define unity installation folder (It should be the folder where all your unity installations are)
- Define your project symbols folder
- Paste google play crash rates on the input
- Validate information
- Press Parse
Unity 2018.4.0 or later versions
Add from OpenUPM | via scoped registry, recommended
This package is available on OpenUPM: https://openupm.com/packages/com.brunomikoski.animationsequencer
To add it the package to your project:
- open
Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
- add a new Scoped Registry:
Name: OpenUPM URL: https://package.openupm.com/ Scope(s): com.brunomikoski
- click Save
- open Package Manager
- click +
- select Add from Git URL
- paste
- click Add
Add from GitHub | not recommended, no updates :(
You can also add it directly from GitHub on Unity 2019.4+. Note that you won't be able to receive updates through Package Manager this way, you'll have to update manually.
- open Package Manager
- click +
- select Add from Git URL
- paste
- click Add