
💳 PicPay Ecommerce JavaScript API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PicPay - E-Commerce Javascript

A JavaScript library to interface with picpay's API, it works with Node.js.

The documentation can be found in the docs


This library covers all your needs for integrating with PicPay E-commerce, providing:

  • A clean Promise-based interface for all endpoints in Picpay's API

How to use

First, install it:

yarn add picpay-js

Or using npm:

npm install picpay-js


Import like usual:

import picpay from 'picpay-js'

also works using require:

const picpay = require('picpay-js')

API Docs

This library provides a promise based interface for all functions. Before you can use the library, you need to provide authentication details which will be used through API calls.

For a detailed documentation, see the docs.

Using create transaction:

import picpay from 'picpay-js'

  .then(client => client.transaction.create({
    "referenceId": "102030",
    "callbackUrl": "http://www.sualoja.com.br/callback",
    "returnUrl": "http://www.sualoja.com.br/cliente/pedido/102030",
    "value": 20.51,
    "expiresAt": "2022-05-01T16:00:00-03:00",
    "buyer": {
      "firstName": "João",
      "lastName": "Da Silva",
      "document": "123.456.789-10",
      "email": "teste@picpay.com",
      "phone": "+55 27 12345-6789"
  .then(transactions => console.log(transactions))
  .catch(error => console.error(error))

Using refund transaction:

import picpay from 'picpay-js'

const referenceId = "102030"
  .then(client => client.transaction.refund(referenceId,{
    "authorizationId": "555008cef7f321d00ef236333" // optional
  .then(transactions => console.log(transactions))
  .catch(error => console.error(error))

Using status:

import picpay from 'picpay-js'

const referenceId = "102030"
  .then(client => client.transaction.status(referenceId)
  .then(transactions => console.log(transactions))
  .catch(error => console.error(error))


The MIT License (MIT)