
A plugin to display their latest tracks heard on LastFM



How to use?

Download it!

Click here to download the files

Copy and paste

Copy and paste the required files into your file.

<script src="js/lastfm-tracks.js"></script>

Get your API key

To get your API key if you haven't, go to [http://www.lastfm.com.br/api/account/create](http://www.lastfm.com.br/api/account/create) and generate your API key

Initialize the plugin

Enter your information to the plugin, apiKey and username are required

   apiKey: '67b7462dbd29a1451a56b18c5d66c517', // your API key (REQUIRED)
   username: 'brunoferreira_', // your username (REQUIRED)
   autoUpdate: true // do you want to update songs automatically?
   container: 'lfm-container', // class of the element that will contain all the tracks
   musicClass: 'lfm-music', // class of the element that will contain the music
   artistClass: 'lfm-artist', // class of the element that will contain the artist
   trackClass: 'lfm-track', // class of the element that will contain the track
   imageSize: 'large', // size of the cover
   limit: 6 // number of how many songs will display
   noImage: 'img/cover_placeholder_lg.jpg', // image that will be displayed if there is no image of LastFM
   interval: 60000 // interval to update the track list