
EmCasa Backend

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Ebert Coverage Status codebeat badge

Re WebService


  • Elixir
  • PostgreSQL


  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get

  • Create, migrate and seed your database with cd apps/re && mix ecto.setup

  • Rename config/dev.secret-example.exs to config/dev.secret.exs and follow instructions at the top of the file to generate necessary keys.

Setup elasticsearch (optional)

  • Download and install (comes with kibana): mix elasticsearch.install . --version 6.2.4
  • Run elasticsearch: ./elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch and check http://localhost:9200
  • Run kibana: ./kibana/bin/kibana and check http://localhost:5601
  • Optionally, uncomment the lines in application.ex to run elasticsearch and kibana together with the application
  • Create listings index: mix elasticsearch.build listings --existing --cluster ReIntegrations.Search.Cluster (see ReIntegrations.Search for more operations)


  • Run mix test


  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server
  • Check http://localhost:4000/graphql_api
  • WebSocket subscriptions at ws://localhost:4000/socket


To see backend endpoint in production:


At the moment, we're tracking tasks at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2125081

Possible issues

Use asdf or check the tools versions in .tools-version