
:video_game: Simple boilerplate for building Ionic apps with help of Gulp and ES6

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Ionic Gulp boilerplate Ionic application boilerplate for Gulp and ES6

Ionic and Angular


  • ES6 instead of ES5
  • SCSS instead of CSS
  • Automatic compilation
  • Livereload
  • Development build with source maps
  • Automatic bower components injection
  • Automatic scripts and stylesheets injection


###Running the App during Development This command automatically compiles ES6 to ES5, scss, injects bower components, generates source maps, starts livereload server and opens your app in the browser.

gulp serve

###Mobile app When your app is interesting enough to be tested on mobile device, create a build.

Don't forget to compile from sources:


And then we can create the build for iOS:

ionic build ios

and even test it, if you use OS X:

ionic emulate ios

More info about builds, including Android, can be found in Ionic tutorial.

One more interesting feature Ionic has: Ionic View. It's amazing thing and I recommend you to try it - pretty simple to use and saves tones of time for debug and testing on real devices. To start, just run:

ionic upload

##Directory layout


└── src
    ├── app                  # application folder
    │   ├── components       # components folder
    │   ├── locations        # locations folder
    │   ├── index.config.js  # config file
    │   ├── index.module.js  # main angular module
    │   ├── index.route.js   # ui router config
    │   ├── index.run.js     # file with run loop
    │   └── index.scss       # main scss file
    └── assets               # assets folder
        ├── images           # images folder
        ├── favicon.ico      # favicon
        └── index.html       # main page which will be rendered to a client

##Build pack

Ionic Angular Gulp Babel SCSS