
A gulp.js generator for modern webapps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web app generator Build Status

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app using gulp for the build process


Please see our gulpfile.js for up to date information on what we support.

  • CSS Autoprefixing
  • Built-in preview server with livereload
  • Automagically compile Sass
  • Automagically lint your scripts
  • Awesome image optimization
  • Automagically wire-up dependencies installed with Bower (when gulp watch or gulp wiredep)

For more information on what this generator can do for you, take a look at the gulp plugins used in our package.json.

Getting Started

  • Install: npm install -g generator-gulp-webapp
  • Run: yo gulp-webapp
  • Run gulp for building to the dist directory and gulp serve for preview

Third-Party Dependencies


To install dependencies, run bower install --save package-name to get the files, then add a script or style tag to your index.html or another appropriate place.


We have recipes for integrating other popular technologies like CoffeeScript.


  • --skip-install Skips the automatic execution of bower and npm after scaffolding has finished.

  • --test-framework=<framework> Defaults to mocha. Can be switched for another supported testing framework like jasmine.


See the contributing docs.


BSD license