If you're thirsty (or not), find restaurants/bars near you to grab a Beer. Select the beer you had from the database and if not there, add that new beer.
- 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
- 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
- homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage and filter by type of restaurant, log in and sign up.
- sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the web page so that I can find a nice spot to grab a beer.
- login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the web page so that I can get back to my account.
- logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the web page so that I can make sure no one will access my account.
- profile menu - As a user I want to be able to see the beers I tried and the locations I visited.
- search for specific beer - As a user I want to be able to search for a specific beer.
- search for specific bar/map - As a user I want to be able to search for a specific restaurant/bar.
Method | Route | Description | Request - Body |
/ |
Main page route. Renders home index view. |
/login |
Renders login form view. |
/login |
Sends Login form data to the server. | { email, password } |
/signup |
Renders signup form view. |
/signup |
Sends Sign Up info to the server and creates user in the DB. | { email, password } |
/private/profile |
Private route. Renders profile form view. |
/private/edit-profile |
Private route. Sends edit-profile info to server and updates user in DB. | { email, password, [firstName], [lastName], [imageUrl] } |
/private/favorites |
Private route. Render the favorites view. |
/private/favorites |
Private route. Adds a new favorite for the current user. | { name, cuisine, city, } |
/private/favoriteRestaurant/:restaurantId |
Private route. Deletes the existing favorite from the current user. | |
/private/favoriteBeer/:beerId |
Private route. Deletes the existing favorite from the current user. | |
/restaurants |
Renders restaurant-list view. |
/restaurants/details/:id |
Renders restaurant-details view for the particular restaurant. |
/beers |
Renders beer-list view. |
/beers/details/:id |
Renders beer-details view for the particular restaurant. |
User model
name: String,
email: String,
password: String,
restaurants: [RestaurantId],
beers: [BeersTriedId],
favBeers: [favBeersId],
favSpot: [favSpotsId]
Restaurant model
name: String,
adress: String,
beersId: [arrayIds],
rating: number
Beer model
name: String,
imageUrl: String,
style: String,
brewery: String,
quantity: String,
ABV: number,
brand: String,
reataurantId: [arrayIds]
Review model (bonus)
content: String,
author: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
Google Maps/Zoomato/TripAdvisor
The url to your repository and to your deployed project
The url to your presentation slides
Hugo Esteves - <HugoEsteves21>
- <linkedin-profile-link>
Bruno Rocha - <brunorocha20
- <linkedin-profile-link>