
This repository contains a few useful apps. All definitions are under the tabulator namespace. All EPICS V7 operations are done using pvxs.


git clone --recursive


  • libhdf5-dev (Debian systems) or equivalent
  • EPICS @ or later
  • pvxs @ 344a96207f93583ff4804601c5563d3ec479cb2a or later


nttableApp defines the NTTable normative type in terms of pvxs. It also has some convenience methods. In a nutshell, an NTTable object not only defines the NTTable type, but also part of its contents: the names of the columns, the content of the column labels and the types of each column. A pvxs::Value obtained via NTTable::create will come with a pre-populated labels field.


commonApp provides useful definitions for the entire project.

A convenient, header-only C++11 command line parser. Used in mergerApp.


Convenience functions for timestamp manipulation and alignment.


Defines three classes that are used throughout the project.

  • TimeTable: a wrapper around NTTable that enforces that the first two columns are named secondsPastEpoch and nanoseconds, respectively, with equally named labels, both of which defined as uint32_t. It also has convenience methods to obtain the specifications of the subsequent columns (name, label, type).

  • TimeTableScalar: inherits from TimeTable. It is intended to represent a sequence of readings from a scalar value, along with its metadata. It will enforce not only the same invariants as TimeTable, but also that the subsequent columns are a combination of:

Name and Label Type Notes
value double Always present
utag uint64_t (optional) Timestamp User Tag
severity uint16_t (optional) Alarm severity
condition uint16_t (optional) Alarm condition
message string (optional) Alarm message
  • TimeTableStat: inherits from TimeTable. It is intended to represent a sequence of statistically compressed readings from a scalar value. It will enforce not only the same invariants as TimeTable, but also that the subsequent columns are:
Name and Label Type Notes
VAL double Representative sample
CNT double Number of compressed samples
MIN double Minimum value in samples
MAX double Maximum value in samples
AVG double Mean value of samples
RMS double Standard deviation of samples
  • TimeTableValue: a wrapper around pvxs::Value, with convenience methods to get/set its columns. Its "type" will be TimeTable or TimeTableScalar.


This App contains a few useful simulators.


Simulates a number of scalar PVs via calc records. It provides databases to load 1, 16, 256, 1024 or 4096 individual instances. It simulates a sinusoid with amplitude 1.0 and by default the following alarm configuration:

  • LOLO: -0.99
  • LOW: -0.95
  • HIGH: 0.95
  • HIHI: 0.99


Simulates an NTTable with a configurable number of columns. It is meant to simulate aggregated readings from disparate but correlated PVs. The simulation happens in the device support of an asub record. The database provides a few macros to configure it:

  • NUM_TABLES: The number of output NTTable PVs to simulate. All rows in all tables will have the same value.
  • NUM_SIGNALS: The number of scalar PVs in each NTTable to simulate. All PVs will have the same value at the same timestamp, a sinusoidal equivalent to the one in ioc-sim-scalar (with the same alarm limits).
  • CONFIG: Which metadata columns to simulate. OR together:
    • 0x00: Value (always included)
    • 0x01: User Tag (always 0 if included)
    • 0x02: Alarm severity
    • 0x04: Alarm condition
    • 0x08: Alarm message (always empty if included)
  • SCAN: How often to produce updates.
  • NUM_SAMPLES: Ignored. See below
  • TIME_STEP_SEC: The time difference between each simulated row, in seconds.
  • NUM_ROWS: The number of rows to produce at each update.
  • LABEL_SEP: The separator to use when building labels. Default: ..
  • COL_SEP: The separator to use when building column names. Default: _.


If the configuration is:


Then every second a V7 NTTable named SIM:TABLE:0 with 1000 rows will be produced. Its columns will be:

Column Label Type
secondsPastEpoch secondsPastEpoch uint32_t
nanoseconds nanoseconds uint32_t
pv0_value SIM:SIG:0.value double
pv0_severity SIM:SIG:0.severity uint16_t
pv1_value SIM:SIG:1.value double
pv1_severity SIM:SIG:1.severity uint16_t

The timestamps between rows will be 1 millisecond apart.


Simulates an NTTable with statistics samples. It is meant to simulate statistically compressed readings from disparate but correlated PVs. The simulation happens in the device support of an asub record. The database provides a few macros to configure it:

  • NUM_TABLES: The number of output NTTable PVs to simulate. All rows in all tables will have the same value.
  • NUM_SIGNALS: The number of "signals" to simulate. All "signals" will have the same value at the same timestamp, a compressed sinusoidal equivalent to the one in ioc-sim-scalar. Each row is equivalent to compressing NUM_SAMPLES samples.
  • CONFIG: Indicates that this is a simulated statistics table. The only acceptable value is 0x10 (or 16 decimal).
  • SCAN: How often to produce updates.
  • NUM_SAMPLES: Number of compressed samples in each row.
  • TIME_STEP_SEC: The time difference between each simulated row, in seconds.
  • NUM_ROWS: The number of rows to produce at each update.


If the configuration is:


Then every second two V7 NTTable named SIM:STAT:0 and SIM:STAT:1 with 1000 rows will be produced. Their columns will be:


Column Label Type
secondsPastEpoch secondsPastEpoch uint32_t
nanoseconds nanoseconds uint32_t
pv0_VAL SIM:SIG:0.VAL double
pv0_CNT SIM:SIG:0.CNT uint32_t
pv0_MIN SIM:SIG:0.MIN double
pv0_MAX SIM:SIG:0.MAX double
pv0_AVG SIM:SIG:0.AVG double
pv0_RMS SIM:SIG:0.RMS double
pv1_VAL SIM:SIG:1.VAL double
pv1_CNT SIM:SIG:1.CNT uint32_t
pv1_MIN SIM:SIG:1.MIN double
pv1_MAX SIM:SIG:1.MAX double
pv1_AVG SIM:SIG:1.AVG double
pv1_RMS SIM:SIG:1.RMS double


Column Label Type
secondsPastEpoch secondsPastEpoch uint32_t
nanoseconds nanoseconds uint32_t
pv0_VAL SIM:SIG:2.VAL double
pv0_CNT SIM:SIG:2.CNT uint32_t
pv0_MIN SIM:SIG:2.MIN double
pv0_MAX SIM:SIG:2.MAX double
pv0_AVG SIM:SIG:2.AVG double
pv0_RMS SIM:SIG:2.RMS double
pv1_VAL SIM:SIG:3.VAL double
pv1_CNT SIM:SIG:3.CNT uint32_t
pv1_MIN SIM:SIG:3.MIN double
pv1_MAX SIM:SIG:3.MAX double
pv1_AVG SIM:SIG:3.AVG double
pv1_RMS SIM:SIG:3.RMS double

The timestamps between rows will be 1 millisecond apart.


The stackerApp "stacks" readings from a single V3 scalar PV into an NTTable. It does that as the device support of an asub record. Its configuration parameters are:

  • INPP, INPR: combined, they define the input scalar PV that will be read: $(INPP)$(INPR).
  • CONFIG: which columns to include. OR together:
    • 0x00: Timestamp + Value (always included)
    • 0x01: User Tag (always 0 if included)
    • 0x02: Alarm severity
    • 0x04: Alarm condition
    • 0x08: Alarm message (always empty if included)
  • PERIOD: how long (in seconds) to accumulate before publishing a table.


ioc-stacker contains an IOC that can load a database for stacking 1, 16, 256, 1024 or 4096 PVs. Mainly, this is used in conjunction with ioc-sim-scalar so that we can "stack" up to thousands of individial scalars. This is not very performant. Its main use is as input to mergerApp, especially to test time-alignment since each stacked PV will have wildly different timestamps due to slow processing calc records from ioc-sim-scalar.


A standalone executable (not an IOC) that merges together different input NTTables, time-aligned.

$ ./bin/linux-x86_64/merger
        ./bin/linux-x86_64/merger --pvlist <pvlist> --period-sec <period_sec> [--timeout-sec
                                  <timeout_sec>] --pvname <pvname> [--label-sep <label_sep>]
                                  [--column-sep <col_sep>]

        --pvlist    File with list of input NTTable PVs to be merged (newline-separated).
                    Update publication period, in seconds.

                    Time window to wait for laggards, in seconds. Default: 0 (wait forever).

        --pvname    Name of the output PV.
        --label-sep Separator between PV name and column name in labels. Default: '.'.
                    Separator between PV identifier and original column name. Default: '_'.


BlueBrain/HighFive: C++ wrapper library for HDF5, included here as a submodule.


A standalone executable (not an IOC) that writes NTTables to HDF5 files.

$ ./bin/linux-x86_64/writer --help
        ./bin/linux-x86_64/writer --input-pv <input_pv> --base-directory <base_directory>
                                  --file-prefix <file_prefix> --root-group <root_group>
                                  --timeout-sec <timeout_sec> [--max-duration-sec
                                  <max_duration_sec>] [--max-size-mb <max_size_mb>] [--label-sep
                                  <label_sep>] [--column-sep <col_sep>]

        --input-pv  Name of the input PV
                    Path to the base directory for HDF5 files

                    Prefix for generated HDF5 files

                    Name of the HDF5 group at the root of the file structure

                    If no updates are received within timeout (in seconds), close the file and exit.
                    A value of 0 means wait forever

                    Maximum time, in seconds, to collect data for in a single HDF5 file. If 0, don't
                    limit files by time. Default: 0

                    Maximum size, in MB, to collect data for in a single HDF5 file. If 0, don't
                    limit files by size. Default: 0

        --label-sep separator between PV name and column name in labels. Default: '.'
                    separator between PV identifier and original column name. Default: '_'

This progam exits on any of these conditions:

  • If output file already exists (error)
  • After timeout_sec seconds since the last update
  • If input_pv disconnects

The input_pv is assumed to conform to TimeTable. The resulting HDF5 structure is as follows:

/meta/                  Group
/meta/labels            Dataset<string>: the list of labels: e.g. ["secondsPastEpoch", "nanoseconds", "SIM:STAT:000.MIN", "SIM:STAT:000.MAX", ...].
/meta/columns           Dataset<string>: the list of columns: e.g. ["secondsPastEpoch", "nanoseconds", "pv000", "pv000_MIN", "pv000_MAX", ...].
/meta/pvxs_types        Dataset<uint8_t>: the list of PVXS type codes for each column: e.g. [46, 46, 75, 75, ...].
/meta/pvnames           Dataset<string>: the list of "signals": e.g. ["SIM:STAT:000", "SIM:STAT:001", ...]. Extracted from /meta/columns.
/meta/column_prefixes   Dataset<string>: the list of column prefixes: e.g. ["pv000", "pv001", ...]. Extracted from /meta/labels.

Note: the input PV NTTable shape can be reconstructed from /meta/{labels,columns,pvxs_types}

/data/                  Group
/data/secondsPastEpoch  Dataset<T>: timestamp for each row
/data/nanoseconds       Dataset<T>: timestamp for each row
/data/pv000/            Group
/data/pv000/MIN         Dataset<T>: data for the "MIN" column for pv000
/data/pv000/...         Dataset<T>: other data columns for pv000
/data/...               Groups for other signals

Datasets are created with chunk size set to the number of rows of the first update.