Twitter Challenge


You need to have installed:

  1. Node (you can use nvm);
  2. NPM (also installed via nvm);

So after cloning the repository, you must install the dependencies listed on package.json, run on your terminal:

npm install

After this open two terminal's instances. Run the server in one of them, type:

npm run serve

And in another instance run the gulp task to watch the source code files and build them:

npm run dev

Now you can start coding. See more about the project structure in the section below.

App design & Choices

The app is written in Javascript ES2015, compiled with Babel, and uses the React library for UI rendering.

React: created by Facebook, react permits you to write UI components and compose with other components to create your layout. I choose this because you only need to change the state (the app's data) at some point and the React re-render the changes.

Babel: a compile tool from ES2015/ES2016 code to ES5.

I picked up SASS as a CSS preprocessor. Because I feel more comfortable with and also it's good for the purpose of the app. The flavor is SCSS.

I used Node.js because only needs to serve a /public folder with the JS app and get some tweets via API. Because of this I choose express as a web framework and the twitter NPM module.

On my express app I expose two endpoints:

  1. the root /, which render the React web app;
  2. and the /tweets/:screnName, which is a GET HTTP request with the twitter's screen name, e.g: brunoskonrad.

To help me in my development experience I used Gulp to watch the changes on my SASS or JSX files and build they again.

For testing purposes I choose Karma as my test runner and Jasmine as my test library.

And finally, to pack it all, I use the webpack because it is flexible and permit to me custom configurations.


You must setup the Heroku on your project folder and then send a push like git, e.g:

git push heroku master


To run the tests type in your terminal:

npm test