
Wave propagators for seismic domains with application to full waveform inversion.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DOI CircleCI CodeCov

spyro: Acoustic wave modeling in Firedrake

spyro is a Python library for modeling acoustic waves. The main functionality is a set of forward and adjoint wave propagators for solving the acoustic wave equation in the time domain. These wave propagators can be used to form complete full waveform inversion (FWI) applications. See the demos. To implement these solvers, spyro uses the finite element package Firedrake.

To use Spyro, you'll need to have some knowledge of Python and some basic concepts in inverse modeling relevant to active-sourcce seismology.

Discussions about development take place on our Slack channel. Everyone is invited to join using the link: https://join.slack.com/t/spyroworkspace/shared_invite/zt-u87ih28m-2h9JobfkdArs4ku3a1wLLQ


  • Finite element discretizations for scalar wave equation in 2D and 3D using triangular and tetrahedral meshes.
    • Continuous Galerkin with arbitrary spatial order and stable and accurate higher-order mass lumping up to p = 5.
  • Spatial and ensemble (shot) parallelism for source simulations.
  • Central explicit scheme (2nd order accurate) in time.
  • Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) to absorb reflected waves in both 2D and 3D.
  • Mesh-independent functional gradient using the optimize-then-discretize approach.
  • Sparse interpolation and injection with point sources or force sources.


The performance of the forward.py wave propagator was assessed in the following benchmark 2D triangular (a) and 3D tetrahedral meshes (b), where the ideal strong scaling line for each KMV element is represented as dashed and the number of degrees of freedom per core is annotated. For the 2D benchmark, the domain spans a physical space of 110 km by 85 km. A domain of 8 km by 8 km by 8 km was used in the 3D case. Both had a 0.287 km wide PML included on all sides of the domain except the free surface and a uniform velocity of 1.43 km/s (see the folder benchmarks).


As one can see, higher-order mass lumping yields excellent strong scaling on Intel Xeon processors for a moderate sized 3D problem. The usage of higher-order elements benefits both the adjoint and gradient calculation in addition to the forward calculation, which makes it possible to perform FWI with simplex elements.

A worked example

A first example of a forward simulation in 2D on a rectangle with a uniform triangular mesh and using the Perfectly Matched Layer is shown in the following below. Note here we first specify the input file and build a uniform mesh using the meshing capabilities provided by Firedrake. However, more complex (i.e., non-structured) triangular meshes for realistic problems can be generated via SeismicMesh.

See the demos folder for an FWI example (this requires some other dependencies pyrol and ROLtrilinos).

Above shows the simulation at two timesteps in ParaView that results from running the code below

from firedrake import (

import spyro

model = {}

# Choose method and parameters
model["opts"] = {
    "method": "KMV",  # either CG or KMV
    "quadratrue": "KMV", # Equi or KMV
    "degree": 1,  # p order
    "dimension": 2,  # dimension

# Number of cores for the shot. For simplicity, we keep things serial.
# spyro however supports both spatial parallelism and "shot" parallelism.
model["parallelism"] = {
    "type": "spatial",  # options: automatic (same number of cores for evey processor) or spatial

# Define the domain size without the PML. Here we'll assume a 0.75 x 1.50 km
# domain and reserve the remaining 250 m for the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) to absorb
# outgoing waves on three sides (eg., -z, +-x sides) of the domain.
model["mesh"] = {
    "Lz": 0.75,  # depth in km - always positive
    "Lx": 1.5,  # width in km - always positive
    "Ly": 0.0,  # thickness in km - always positive
    "meshfile": "not_used.msh",
    "initmodel": "not_used.hdf5",
    "truemodel": "not_used.hdf5",

# Specify a 250-m PML on the three sides of the domain to damp outgoing waves.
model["BCs"] = {
    "status": True,  # True or false
    "outer_bc": "non-reflective",  #  None or non-reflective (outer boundary condition)
    "damping_type": "polynomial",  # polynomial, hyperbolic, shifted_hyperbolic
    "exponent": 2,  # damping layer has a exponent variation
    "cmax": 4.7,  # maximum acoustic wave velocity in PML - km/s
    "R": 1e-6,  # theoretical reflection coefficient
    "lz": 0.25,  # thickness of the PML in the z-direction (km) - always positive
    "lx": 0.25,  # thickness of the PML in the x-direction (km) - always positive
    "ly": 0.0,  # thickness of the PML in the y-direction (km) - always positive

# Create a source injection operator. Here we use a single source with a
# Ricker wavelet that has a peak frequency of 8 Hz injected at the center of the mesh.
# We also specify to record the solution at 101 microphones near the top of the domain.
# This transect of receivers is created with the helper function `create_transect`.
model["acquisition"] = {
    "source_type": "Ricker",
    "num_sources": 1,
    "source_pos": [(-0.1, 0.75)],
    "frequency": 8.0,
    "delay": 1.0,
    "num_receivers": 100,
    "receiver_locations": spyro.create_transect(
        (-0.10, 0.1), (-0.10, 1.4), 100

# Simulate for 2.0 seconds.
model["timeaxis"] = {
    "t0": 0.0,  #  Initial time for event
    "tf": 2.00,  # Final time for event
    "dt": 0.0005,  # timestep size
    "amplitude": 1,  # the Ricker has an amplitude of 1.
    "nspool": 100,  # how frequently to output solution to pvds
    "fspool": 100,  # how frequently to save solution to RAM

# Create a simple mesh of a rectangle ∈ [1 x 2] km with ~100 m sized elements
# and then create a function space for P=1 Continuous Galerkin FEM
mesh = RectangleMesh(100, 200, 1.0, 2.0)

# We edit the coordinates of the mesh so that it's in the (z, x) plane
# and has a domain padding of 250 m on three sides, which will be used later to show
# the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML). More complex 2D/3D meshes can be automatically generated with
# SeismicMesh https://github.com/krober10nd/SeismicMesh
mesh.coordinates.dat.data[:, 0] -= 1.0
mesh.coordinates.dat.data[:, 1] -= 0.25

# Create the computational environment
comm = spyro.utils.mpi_init(model)

element = spyro.domains.space.FE_method(
    mesh, model["opts"]["method"], model["opts"]["degree"]
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)

# Manually create a simple two layer seismic velocity model `vp`.
# Note: the user can specify their own velocity model in a HDF5 file format
# in the above two lines using SeismicMesh.
# If so, the HDF5 file has to contain an array with
# the velocity data and it is linearly interpolated onto the mesh nodes at run-time.
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
velocity = conditional(x > -0.35, 1.5, 3.0)
vp = Function(V, name="velocity").interpolate(velocity)
# These pvd files can be easily visualized in ParaView!

# Now we instantiate both the receivers and source objects.
sources = spyro.Sources(model, mesh, V, comm)

receivers = spyro.Receivers(model, mesh, V, comm)

# Create a wavelet to force the simulation
wavelet = spyro.full_ricker_wavelet(dt=0.0005, tf=2.0, freq=8.0)

# And now we simulate the shot using a 2nd order central time-stepping scheme
# Note: simulation results are stored in the folder `~/results/` by default
p_field, p_at_recv = spyro.solvers.forward(
    model, mesh, comm, vp, sources, wavelet, receivers

# Visualize the shot record
spyro.plots.plot_shots(model, comm, p_at_recv)

# Save the shot (a Numpy array) as a pickle for other use.
spyro.io.save_shots(model, comm, p_at_recv)

# can be loaded back via
my_shot = spyro.io.load_shots(model, comm)


To run the spyro unit tests (and turn off plots), check out this repository and type

MPLBACKEND=Agg pytest --maxfail=1


This software is published under the GPLv3 license