About: Android classifier is a FastClassifier( fork intended for android use.
Testing: The tool comes with an Android application for testing. You can download, import into Android Studio and run it in your device.
##How to embed in your application## Create a new android library named "androidclassifier" as a module in your application. Add everything AndroidClassifier/androidclassifier folder to the root of your module. Add the new module as a compile dependency to your app(app module). You will have to open a TrainedModel file in your application. Instructions on how to do that are below. You will have to get the audio as a double array. Run FastClassifier.ClassifyAudio(double[] audio, TrainedModel yourClassifier )
How to open a TrainedModel:
There are many ways to open a TrainedModel. It is not included in the library because the library has no access to the
application resources.
In my application I have choosen to ship the .model file with the application. You could copy the .model file to the android
filesystem and open it...
A way to do:
- Copy the yourclassifier.model file to your application's res/raw folder
- Copy the method com.brunotmelo.acexample.createTrainedModel to one of your app classes
- Change "R.raw.sopro" in the line InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.sopro); to "R.raw.yourclassifier"
*notice the R.raw.yourclassifier is without its extension.
How to create a double array:
I changed a existing library(found in this link: to get a recording as double[].
As it was for example purposes I don't guarantee that the double[] output it gives is correct.
If you want to use my method:
- Copy the class to your app.
- Record the audio using that class.
- Get the double[] output using ExtAudioRecorder.getSamples()
##Classifying your own audios##
To create an audio classifier(the .model file) you should try EasyClassifier
After you create the classifier, change the library run parameters in the fastclassifier.options.Parameters class.
To understand what the parameters means, check the fastClassifier documentation.