
FastClasifier fork that runs in Android.

Primary LanguageJava


About: Android classifier is a FastClassifier(https://github.com/brunotmelo/FastClassifier) fork intended for android use.

Testing: The tool comes with an Android application for testing. You can download, import into Android Studio and run it in your device.

##How to embed in your application## Create a new android library named "androidclassifier" as a module in your application. Add everything AndroidClassifier/androidclassifier folder to the root of your module. Add the new module as a compile dependency to your app(app module). You will have to open a TrainedModel file in your application. Instructions on how to do that are below. You will have to get the audio as a double array. Run FastClassifier.ClassifyAudio(double[] audio, TrainedModel yourClassifier )

How to open a TrainedModel: There are many ways to open a TrainedModel. It is not included in the library because the library has no access to the application resources.
In my application I have choosen to ship the .model file with the application. You could copy the .model file to the android filesystem and open it...
A way to do:

  1. Copy the yourclassifier.model file to your application's res/raw folder
  2. Copy the method com.brunotmelo.acexample.createTrainedModel to one of your app classes
  3. Change "R.raw.sopro" in the line InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.sopro); to "R.raw.yourclassifier"
    *notice the R.raw.yourclassifier is without its extension.

How to create a double array: I changed a existing library(found in this link: http://i-liger.com/article/android-wav-audio-recording) to get a recording as double[]. As it was for example purposes I don't guarantee that the double[] output it gives is correct.
If you want to use my method:

  1. Copy the class com.brunotmelo.acexample.util.ExtAudioRecorder.java to your app.
  2. Record the audio using that class.
  3. Get the double[] output using ExtAudioRecorder.getSamples()

##Classifying your own audios## To create an audio classifier(the .model file) you should try EasyClassifier http://sourceforge.net/projects/easyclassifier/
After you create the classifier, change the library run parameters in the fastclassifier.options.Parameters class.
To understand what the parameters means, check the fastClassifier documentation.