
:heart: This package helps you to add user based follow system to your model.

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Laravel 5 Follow System

❤️ This package helps you to add user based follow system to your model.

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  • Support actions:
    • Follow
    • Like
    • Subscribe
    • Favorite
    • Vote (Upvote & Downvote)


You can install the package using composer

$ composer require overtrue/laravel-follow -vvv

Then add the service provider to config/app.php


Publish the migrations file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Overtrue\LaravelFollow\FollowServiceProvider' --tag="migrations"

As optional if you want to modify the default configuration, you can publish the configuration file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Overtrue\LaravelFollow\FollowServiceProvider' --tag="config"

And create tables:

$ php artisan migrate

Finally, add feature trait into User model:

use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanFollow;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanBeFollowed;

class User extends Model
    use CanFollow, CanBeFollowed;


Add CanXXX Traits to User model.

use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanFollow;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanLike;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanFavorite;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanSubscribe;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanVote;

class User extends Model
    use CanFollow, CanLike, CanFavorite, CanSubscribe, CanVote;

Add CanBeXXX Trait to target model, such as 'Post' or 'Music' ...:

use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanBeLiked;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanBeFavorited;
use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\Traits\CanBeVoted;

class Post extends Model
    use CanBeLiked, CanBeFavorited, CanBeVoted;

All available APIs are listed below.



$user->followings()->get() // App\User:class





$user->likes()->get() // default object: App\User:class


$object->likers()->get() // or $object->likers
$object->fans()->get() // or $object->fans



$user->favorites()->get() // App\User:class


$object->favoriters()->get() // or $object->favoriters 



$user->subscriptions()->get() // default object: App\User:class


$object->subscribers() // or $object->subscribers 



$user->vote($target) // Vote with 'upvote' for default




All of the above mentioned methods of creating relationships, such as 'follow', 'like', 'unfollow', 'unlike', their syntax is as follows:

follow(array|int|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $targets, $class = __CLASS__)

So you can call them like this:

// Id / Id array
$user->follow(1); // targets: 1, $class = App\User
$user->follow(1, App\Post::class); // targets: 1, $class = App\Post
$user->follow([1, 2, 3]); // targets: [1, 2, 3], $class = App\User

// Model
$post = App\Post::find(7);
$user->follow($post); // targets: $post->id, $class = App\Post

// Model array
$posts = App\Post::popular()->get();
$user->follow($posts); // targets: [1, 2, ...], $class = App\Post

Query relations

$followers = $user->followers
$followers = $user->followers()->where('id', '>', 10)->get()
$followers = $user->followers()->orderByDesc('id')->get()

The other is the same usage.

Working with model.

use Overtrue\LaravelFollow\FollowRelation;

// get most popular object

// all types
$relations = FollowRelation::popular()->get();

// followable_type = App\Post
$relations = FollowRelation::popular(App\Post::class)->get(); 

// followable_type = App\User
$relations = FollowRelation::popular('user')->get();
// followable_type = App\Post
$relations = FollowRelation::popular('post')->get();

// Pagination
$relations = FollowRelation::popular(App\Post::class)->paginate(15); 
