- added .gitigonere file
- changed .env for .env.example
- src based file structure, looking at colocation
techs changes: I'd leave redux usage for data fetching, it's not needed anymore a huge boilerplate redux config and complexity just for manage api calls, nawadays it's being used packages such as rtk, swr, quact-query, for UI management it's ok to have a small redux boilerplate, or try react context for modular state management
Aiming performance I'd use react-hooks-form instead of formik. performance
I don't Have a specific library for, but I highly recommend evaluating metronic
necessity, as the project grows, it gets harder to be extremely linked to a not ideal UI library, as I never have seen that library I tend to think it's not a ideal UI library
I'd have a test setup using rtl for test assertion and msw to mock api through service worker, but as the project has no mention to tests I won't mind that