Imgur Search with SwiftUI

The goal is to build an iOS application that fetches images from Imgur API.


Just download the project, open the .xcodeproj, build and run. Important: my Imgur client_id is in the code, but will probably be deactivated. To generate your own, go to ImgurAPIDocs. Once you get your own client_id, replace the Key variable in ImgurAPI.swift


  • SwiftUI: I want to test the capabilities of this new framework. It's not there yet :(
  • MVVM: SwiftUI goes easily with MVVM architecture and the other options were time consuming.
  • Alamofire: Just for the sake of simplicity, and why not?
  • SDWebImage: Manually recreating an asynchronous image loader? Hell no. SDWebImageSwiftUI works good.
  • Swift Package Manager: Simple to use and works well with the packages above.


  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 12+