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$ apt-get install libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev python3-cairo-dev
$ brew install pygobject3 gtk+3 libnotify
From ./gui
Install system dependencies (Debian-based):
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./
2 ventilators mode
- Pressure Regulated Volume Controlled (PCV): set pressure delivered during period of inspiration. The voume measured is shown as data on display.
- Volume Regulated Pressure controlled (VCV): The tidal volume is set and it adapts the pressure to the lowest. Here the important data are: tidal volume, upper alarm and lower current volume. Useful parameters: tidal volume, respiratory rate. There is a limit pressure and during inspiration period.
If patient stops breathing, there is a failsafe that set to mandatory breathing when it's detected.
During inspiration:
Inspiration pressure: The plateau pressure is adjusted to volume hard limit (32 cmH2O by default, and could increate to 70cmH2O)
Peak pressure: 2cmH2O greater than plateau.
VCV pressure limit (15-40cm2 with increments of 5)
Failsafe valve that opens always at 80cmH20 (or lower)
PEEP: 5-10 with increments of 5. The circuit must be pressured.
IE ratio: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
Respiratory rate: 10-30 bpm with increments of 2.
Tidal volume: 40ml +-10, 350 +-50, 250-600 +-50,up to 8000.
Weight body and volume calculated based on 6ml/kg.
- Gas failure
- Electricity failure
- Machine switched off
- Inspiration pressure exceeded
- Inspiration pressure not achieved
- PEEP pressure not achieved
- Tidal volume not achieved
- Tidal volume exceeded
- Resistance: peak pressure - plateau pressure > 2cmH2O
- Compliance
- Volume Leakage
- Tidal volume
- Frequency
- FI02
- Ventilation Mode
- Tidal volume
- Breathing rate
- Plateau pressure
- FI02
The normal healthy O2 consuption is 250mL/min, and could be increased until, for example 500 mL/min in a sepsis.
- Presión arteria
- Frecuencia cardiaca
- Nivel de sedación
- Posicion del tubo e inflado del neumotaponamiento
- Intercambio gaseoso (pulsiometria SO2), capnografía y gasometrías arteriales periodicas para obtener los índices de oxigenación (clave para evaluar la desintubación del paciente).