
Common repo for all ventilator software

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

This is a common repository for all software components of the RespiraWorks open source ventilator project.


common - code shared across controller and GUI

controller - arduino/atmega code for hardware controller

gui - graphical interface


This section is a work in progress.

Building the controller

We use platformio for building the controller code. platformio has a CLI and an IDE. You'll need the platformio CLI in order to build from the command-line, even if you also install the IDE.

Here's a video introduction to platformio.

After installing platformio, you should be able to build and test as follows.

# Build for Arduino.
$ platformio run

# Test on local machine (i.e. your laptop/desktop).
$ platformio test -e native

# If you do this, you'll get an error because it tries to test on all platforms,
and we don't currently support testing on the device.
$ platformio test  # BAD
Error: Please specify `upload_port` for environment or use global `--upload-port` option

This has been tested with an RF-nano Arduino board, which has similar parts and pinout to an Arduino Nano.


Please install pre-commit and activate it for this repository. We use pre-commit to check for consistent formatting and other things.

# Install pre-commit
$ brew install pre-commit
# OR
$ apt-get install pre-commit

# Then activate pre-commit in this repository.
$ pre-commit install