
Social network build with Django and React. It also includes real-time chat.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

F1 Social Hub app

How to run the application

  • Create a venv environment. Windows example: “python3 -m venv venv”
  • Activate the venv environment.
  • If running on Mac or Linux, remove "twisted-iocpsupport==1.0.2" from "requirements.txt"
  • Install required libraries: “pip install -r requirements.txt”
  • Start a Redis instance using Redis default port: “docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:5”
  • Start the Django application by typing: “python manage.py runserver”
  • Visit “”

it’s not necessary to run the Vite framework to bundle the Javascript files or run a NodeJS server to use the application. This Javascript files were already bundled by executing “npm run bundle” inside the “client” folder. The bundled files are present on the ‘static/dist” folder.

If you want to package the Javascript files do the following:

  • Inside the “client” folder run: “npm i –force”
  • Execute “npm run build”

If you want to run the Vite’s development tool:

How to run unit tests

Execute: “python manage.py test”

Superuser credentials

user: admin email: admin@email.com password: 1234