
A template for creating streamlit web applications for numerical optimization problems

Primary LanguagePython


A white label repository for a streamlit numerical optimization web application.

To learn more about numerical optimization and operations research you can find more material in my Online Course, Medium stories, and Github repository.


  1. Fork or clone this repository
  2. Modify the model file to suit your problem
  3. Modify the app file to select input/output type and include new elements to your own interface.



To run locally, please install Python libraries included in the file requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, exexcute streamlit via command line:

streamlit run app.py


To build an image locally, make sure you have docker installed in your computer and run the following command:

docker build -t my_app:latest .

You can replace my_app by any image name you would like and latest by any version.

Then you can run your app by running

docker run -p 8501:8501 my_app:latest


You can reach out to me at bruscalia12@gmail.com