🏢 An operating system inspired by brutalist design that combines the ideals of UNIX from the 1970s with modern technology and engineering
- A340wx
- acookAnywhere with Wi-Fi
- adamtherookieMorocco
- anandbaburajan@cq2-co
- AtieP
- benstigsenDenmark
- circutrider21Peeled-Fruit-Studios
- clsourceNinjas CL
- dgcampea
- eersoy93Türkiye
- elimisteve@RevolutionizeDev
- ignavan39applegalhelp, @unnamed-crm
- InsaneMiner
- jkmacy
- jlam55555Hudson River Trading
- larzconwell
- luavixen
- Melon-BreadUnited States. Ohio
- mohd-akramSensible Software
- mrhmouse@panorama-ed
- nsauzedeインテル
- PerrinJS
- quintenvandamme@dahliaOS
- Redlolznowhere
- rick-gnousGnousEU
- ry755
- Sayan505Kolkata, India
- secondwtqSichuan University
- selectiveduplicateDhaka, Bangladesh
- SkillerRaptorGermany
- Supercip971France (Lyon)
- swim86unifydunifyd , mobidrive
- tan86Company
- unsafecast
- V01D-NULL@CoSchedule
- vladimyr