🏢 An operating system inspired by brutalist design that combines the ideals of UNIX from the 1970s with modern technology and engineering
- AkiaCode@harmonyland @kafumoe
- BachoSevenPHC
- br337Germany
- cdosoftei
- d0p1s4m4@cute-engineering
- DamieFCSomewhere that is totally not Las Vegas
- DennisbonkeNeck deep in autotools and mlibc
- ebanDevFrance
- elsantiFPaysandú, Uruguay
- fn23Australia
- freeloop1642
- heimskrSAPEON Inc.
- hulkiedo17Junior, without any work
- IronCodem@Highland-OS
- jakiki6Germany
- keyboard-slayer@cute-engineering
- lane-eden
- LittleCodingFox
- lubiedo
- MaxiDoetBavaria, Germany
- Meaxy76Qc, Canada
- monarrkChicago, IL
- MQuyGothenburg, Sweden
- MrPeck
- N-LGnord-est de la Nièvre, France
- notYuriy
- QuentindeveFrance
- Rheydskey
- roscaleLiège, Belgium
- shepard47Tralfamadore
- sooochMatic
- stepcity
- TorchedSammy@Rosettea
- WoomymyBelgium
- ziordCanada