
a hack of multiple github repos to make a game timer to be used with OBS (https://obsproject.com/)

Primary LanguageJava

Build status

Brutal Damage Game Clock

This is the chess clock app that we use during our weekly live streams to display the game clock on the stream.

Warning: this code is in a pretty rough state at this point, its mostly in a POC category. The repo it was forked from is quite old (8+ years), so its defintiely not up on standards yet. But it was adequate as a starting point for what we needed and what I (Drew) could throw together in about 6 hours. We'll work on updating, enhancing and making it modern as the weeks and months progress. So, bear with us if you care to borrow the code.

The source is forked from https://github.com/japtar10101/Chess-Clock-App. It has then been modified to support tracking control points for Warmachine & Hordes.

Additional changes include adding support for Nanohttpd to create a webpage & websocket server so the game info can be viewed in a web browser. it is ulimately intended to be viewed in some form of a camera/live streaming utility application.


If you want to downlod the app and check it out, you can get it from here: App Download

See it in action

Check out our live stream on Youtube