My first CLI (command line interface) with Rust

A small repo to give me the feelings of Rust development ( maybe i use it to Arduino development ??? YES ).

The objective of this project is create a CLI tool to store passwords or other secret data using a pass secrey key in agree with AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)

OPTION 1 - Getting Started and compile the yeep

  1. Clone this repo using $ git clone
  2. Install rust
  3. Open you command prompt and execute the next commands $ cargo update and $ cargo build
  4. go to folder target/debug
  5. Add you first keypair data $ run yeep add --key myawesomeky --value myhighvaluesensitivedata
  6. Retrive you list of keypairs $ run yeep list
  7. Retrive you first crypted data $ run yeep read --id 0
  8. Enjoy. You can use more commands. $ run yeep help to get more.

OPTION 2 - Use a ready to use release

  1. check this repo release page releases
  2. Choose you system version
  3. Download zip file
  4. Extract the zip folder
  5. Open your prompt command at the extracted directory.
  6. Add you first keypair data $ run yeep add --key myawesomeky --value myhighvaluesensitivedata
  7. Retrive you list of keypairs $ run yeep list
  8. Retrive you first crypted data $ run yeep read --id 0
  9. Enjoy. You can use more commands. $ run yeep help to get more.


  Usage: yeep <COMMAND>

  list      List all
  add       Add new secret keypair
  read      Read a keypair
  del       Delete a keypair
  babayaga  babayaga. maybe.. a JOHN WICK easter egg?!
  setup     Show setup instructions to configure yeep as global CLI
  version   get current version
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help