ActsAsAccount implements a “Double Entry Accounting” system for your Rails-models.
It hooks into ActiveRecord and allows to add accounts to any model by simply means of adding “has_account” to your model. Because the accounts are connected via a has_many relation no migration to the account-holder tables is needed.
We also hook into the ActionController request cycle to warn the developer if a request has left the uncommitted changes in the system.
Run the cucumber features from the acs_as_account gem, just execute
rake features:create_database
Double Entry Accounting in a Relational Database:
With the release of version 2.0.0 acts_as_account is supposed to work for Rails 3. If you still use Rails 2 please use version 1.2.0.
This gem was written for the payment backend of by Thies C. Arntzen ( and Norman Timmler (
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