Hugo theme based on purecss from Yahoo. The theme is based on the purecss blog layout example, is responsive and has a few more features: pagination (if enabled), responsive images (through a shortcode), google analytics, disqus comments and even a mini-asset-pipeline using gulp. If you end up using it, I'd love to see what you do with it so please give me a shout on twitter.
Navigate to your Hugo site's theme folder
$ cd themes
$ git clone
The config file for the demo site looks like this:
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "purehugo"
theme = "purehugo"
Paginate = 10
disqusShortname = "xxxx"
twitterName = "dragos_plesca"
githubName = "dplesca"
stackOverflowId = "#######"
linkedinName = "dragos-plesca-52797444"
description = "Demo site for a hugo theme"
google_analytics = "UA-xxxxxx-xx"
Notice the configuration necessary for disqus comments (just setting the disqusShortname); the twitter, github, stack overflow and linkedin handlers (for the site sidebar); the site description and enabling Google Analytics reporting.
For responsive images you could use the built-in responsive image shortcode (without the /**/
{{%/* img-responsive "" */%}}
If you would like to hide the share options in the single post view, you can add this option in the params
section of your config file.
# ... other options ...
hideShareOptions = true
If you would like to hide the text next to the icons on the sidebar, you can add this option in the params
section of your config file.
# ... other options ...
hideSidebarIconText = true