
The objective for this homework is to add fundemental Flutter widgets for each of the questions so that they match the screenshots provided.

All you modifications/changes will go under: lib/questions/

you will change question#.dart files.

the starting point for the whole application is: lib/main.dart

Question 1: App Bar

A scaffold with a title has been provided all you need to do is change the title and add a search icon on the right side. (hint: look up the actions parameter for the AppBar)

AppBar Flutter Docs

Icon Flutter Docs

Question 2: Texts

You will need to change font size, color, weight, and style.

Text Flutter Docs

Question 3: Icons

You will be styling and adding social media inspireded icons. I have provide the Insta icons as an example.

Icon Flutter Docs

Question 4: Buttons

NOTE: Buttons must have onPressed: (){} otherwise they will appear disabled.

You will need to add icon, raised, and flat buttons. I have provided the floating action button which is part of the scaffold.

Icon Button Flutter Docs

Raised Button Flutter Docs

Flat Button Flutter Docs

Floating Action Button Flutter Docs

Question 5: Inputs

NOTE: Checkboxes/Switches must have onChanged: (value){} otherwise they will appear disabled.

You will need to add a text field, checkboxes in their checked/unchecked state, and switches in their on/off state.

Text Field Flutter Docs

Checkbox Flutter Docs

Switch Flutter Docs

Question 6: Images

For this question you will need to add and image from a url. Here's a cute Baby Yoda you can use.

URL: "https://i.insider.com/5e32f2a324306a19834af322?width=1800&format=jpeg&auto=webp"

Image Flutter Docs