
A twitter-clone UDP social-networking application built with Python's socket module.

Primary LanguagePython


Tweeter Chatting Application

A twitter-clone UDP social-networking application built with Python's socket module.

Diagram (App Architecture)



  • Register: registers a user to the tweeter application. It will take a handle (username), an IP address, and 3 ports (one port for communication between the tracker and itself, and two for following other users).
  • Query handles: returns a list of handles (usernames) that are currently registered in the tweeter application to the client.
  • Follow: follows another user
  • Drop: unfollows another user
  • Tweet: sends out a tweet (message) to the followers
  • End tweet: makes sure all the tweets are sent in the correct order
  • Exit: exits the application

Demo Video



  • Start the server
python UDPServer.py
# Enter an IP address for the server
  • Start the client (One terminal for each user)
python UDPClient.py 
# Enter an IP address for the client
# Enter an IP for the server
# Enter the 3 port numbers that are going to be used
  • Register
register @handle IP Port1 Port2 Port3
  • Query Handles
query handles
  • Follow
follow @handle @handle_to_follow
  • Unfollow
drop @handle @handle_to_unfollow
  • Tweet
tweet @handle "message"
  • End Tweet
end tweet
  • Exit
