
simple repo to test flipside crypto SDK

Primary LanguagePython

Flipside Crypto SDK Test Project

Simple repo to test flipside crypto SDK. Created this project to better understand and test functionality introduced in the Flipside Crypto 2.0.x SDK updates.

Flipside Crypto SDK


To Run

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a .env file that contains your Flipside Crypto API Key. Details on how to get an API key and API Docs can be found at https://docs.flipsidecrypto.com/flipside-api/get-started
  3. Create a python environment using venv
  4. Install dependencies, python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the app python app.py

Expected results should be similar to:

 - query_id: clhhv3pjh00hvn30tng79twb6
 - query status: QUERY_STATE_SUCCESS
 - rows returned: 251
 - elapsed seconds: 15
 - exec seconds: 9