- A metaprogramming system based on symbolic expressions with the Symbol and SymbolicConverter types.
- A generalized serialization system based on the above Symbol types.
- A dynamic property system called Xtension.
- A purely functional random number generator called Rand.
- The Vsync monad allowing the same program to be run in parallel or debugged sequentially.
- Fastest persistent UList, UMap, and USet collections rivaling the speed of .NET List, Dictionary and HashSet.
- Innovative pure-functional wrappers for arbitrary impure objects, KeyedCache and MutantCache.
- Segmented dynamic collections types that keep large temporary collections from thrashing the LOH, SArray, SList, SHashSet, and SDictionary
- A powerful and reusable scripting language, AMSL, with the types in the Scripting module.
- An algebraic Ecs (Entity-Component-System) library extracted from the F# Nu Game Engine.
- So many extension primitives I couldn't hope to mention them all!
Prime is built with clean and modular Abstract Data Type programming style as presented here - https://vimeo.com/128464151