cssx (Cujo Style Sheet eXtender) current version: 0.1 Note: all but the css.js plugin is in flux right now. You may use the css.js file safely. It now works with Chrome 10. ---------------------------------------- What is cssx? Cssx is an AMD-compliant plugin that loads and augments css files. It's an important part of the cujo web app framework, but can be used independently of any other cujo micro-library. Cssx only requires an AMD-compliant module loader, such as RequireJS, Backdraft's loader, or curl.js (another awesome cujo micro-library). If you want to just use the css-loading capabilities of cssx, you can simply copy the css.js file into your project. It does not rely on any other files in this repo. css.js requires the use of an AMD-compliant module loader just like cssx does. More notes about using css.js are in the section "How do I just use css.js in my RequireJS or curl.js project?" (below). ---------------------------------------- Why would you want to augment css files? Mainly, to provide fixes for browsers that don't support CSS 3 or CSS 2.1. Cssx has it's own plugins. These plugins modify css in various ways, such as: 1) convert opacity and rgba to something that works in IE, e.g.: opacity:0.1; to filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=10); 2) implement "box offset positioning" in IE6 (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#position-props) 3) implement advanced selectors in IE 6&7, e.g.: input[type=checkbox], .class1.class2, .parent > .child 4) automatically convert css3 properties to vendor-specific properties, e.g.: transition:opacity 1s ease; to -webkit-transition:opacity 1s ease; 5) automatically convert machine-specific measurements, e.g.: margin-right: -cssx-scrollbar-width; to margin-right: 15px; All of the above (and several others) are already implemented and work dynamically (not statically like when using Selectivizr)! Because cssx is plugin-based, you can create and add your own cssx plugins. ---------------------------------------- Doesn't run-time augmentation of css take up valuable load time? Yes. It does. But probably not as much as you think. It takes a few milliseconds to process a reasonably-sized css file. cssx provides several configuration options to help streamline the parsing process. Current work on AMD is focused on building optimized bundles of javascript for each browser. This is called User Agent Profiling. UA Profiling also extends to AMD plugins like cssx. UA Profiling will allow css augmentation to run on the server, rather than in the browser, eliminating the expensive text parsing. cujo.js's build tool, cram (Cujo Resource AsseMbler), is only in the proof- of-concept stages. We expect it to be ready by mid 2011. ---------------------------------------- How do I start using cssx? To start using cssx, just copy (or clone) the src/cssx folder into your project and map one of your AMD loader paths to it. There are several ways to map your loader paths. Go RTFM if you want to get the intimate details. In summary, you should map your loader's baseUrl to a common folder to all your javascript modules (including plugins such as cssx), if a common folder exists. Then, create path configuration options for any module roots that aren't peers within the baseUrl folder. Here's a simple example: // this is just one way to set the configuration for RequireJS or curl.js: require = { baseUrl: 'js/', // maps to the js folder that is a peer to this page paths: { myApp: 'myCompany/myApp', // maps to js/myCompany/myApp/ cssx: '../libs/cssx' // maps to libs/cssx // Note: libs and js are peer folders } }; Once you've got the paths configured correctly, you can start referencing the cssx plugin in your code. Typically, you'll do this in define() calls. By convention, you should invoke the plugin by using a prefix with a complete path to the plugin. Prefixes are delineated by a ! symbol in the module name. (CSS files are considered resources by AMD loaders, but have the same syntax as modules.) define( [ 'myApp/moduleA', // a javascript module dependency 'text!templates/myTemplate.html', // example usage of the text plugin 'cssx/cssx!styles/moduleA.css' // our css file! ], function (moduleA, template, cssxDef) { // code some awesomeness here } ); In this example, the stylesheet, moduleA.css is loaded, parsed, and augmented by cssx before the callback function is executed. When the callback function executes, it is handed an object, cssxDef, which -- except for tinkerers and the curious -- is not of much use. It contains a reference to the original <LINK> element inserted as well as a possible <STYLE> element if additional rules were needed to implement fixes for the current browser. Any other properties of this object are subject to change in future releases. Even if the returned object is not of direct use, it is extremely useful to know that the styles in your stylesheet are: 1) ready for immediate use (it's ok to display content now) 2) converted to work with the current browser Note: the .css extension is optional in curl.js, but appears to be necessary in current versions of RequireJS (version 0.22). Typically, you don't want to scan every css file for every possible browser fix (although maybe you do :D ). There are several ways to fine-tune the set of cssx plugins that get loaded. The simplest way to do this from javascript is via plugin suffixes. These are appended to the module/resource name in the dependency list: define(['cssx/cssx!myStyles.css!ignore:inlineBlock,boxOffsets'], callbackFunc); The suffixes are again delineated by the ! symbol, but appear after the module name. In this example, cssx has been instructed to ignore any inline-block or box offset fixes. In fact, it won't even attempt to load the cssx plugins for those. See the section, "How can I optimize cssx to only scan my css files for certain fixes?" for more details about optimizing cssx. ---------------------------------------- What CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 features does cssx fix? TODO: Complete list ---------------------------------------- How can I optimize cssx to only scan my css files for certain fixes? TODO: Show auto and manual modes and all three methods of specifying options ---------------------------------------- Is there any advantage to using cujo's curl.js with cssx? Yes. Unlike other AMD loaders, curl.js passes javascript promises to its plugins rather than just a callback function. curl.js does this in a backward- compatible way. This allows cssx plugins to proactively stop the loading process in response to errors. curl.js can also directly notify plugins that an exception has occurred elsewhere so the plugins can clean-up accordingly. ---------------------------------------- How do I just use css.js in my RequireJS or curl.js project? The css.js file in this project can be used independently of the rest of cssx. If you're just interested in loading css files in your AMD-based project, this is all you need! First, copy css.js into your project. It's simplest if you copy it into a cssx sub-folder of your javascript folder. For instance, if your web app's javascript is in the /js/ folder, then place css.js into the /js/cssx/ folder: /js/cssx/css.js If the baseUrl of require.js or curl.js points to the /js/ folder, then you should be able to start specifying css resources in your require() and define() calls like this: require(["cssx/css!path/to/css/file.css"], funcToRunAfterCssIsReady); If you're not familiar with AMD plugin notation, then it's time to go RTFM. :) In short, everything before the ! is a path to the plugin. The path is rooted at the baseUrl configuration parameter of the loader (just like other javascript modules). The .css extension is optional in curl.js, but seems to be necessary in current versions of RequireJS (last checked in version 0.22). By default, css.js will load and wait for the css file to be applied to the document before calling your callback function. In the example above, the css rules of the file.css stylesheet will be fully functional before the function, funcToRunAfterCssIsReady, is executed. For a more complete example, here's another typical use of a require() call: require( [ "myApp/appLoader", // the main javascript module "cssx/css!common/css/base.css", // some base css file (resets, etc.) "cssx/css!myApp/css/appTheme.css", // an app-specific set of overrides "text!myApp/pageTemplate.html" // the main template for the page ], function (loader, base, theme, template) { /* in here: loader refers to your main javascript module base refers to the <LINK> that refers to base.css theme refers to the <LINK> that refers to appTheme.css template contains the text of the page template in pageTemplate.html */ } ); You'll probably won't want to do anything with the <LINK> elements that are returned to your callback function, but they're provided just in case. :) If you don't want to write-out the full path of the plugin prefix ('cssx/css!') and would rather just write 'css!', then you can either move the css.js file up one folder level or give the loader a hint where to find css.js. Both curl.js and RequireJS will accept a paths configuration option. There are several ways to specify the paths option, but the following works with both: require( { baseUrl: 'js/', // set this to the root of your paths paths: { 'css' : 'cssx/css' } }, [ // place your other dependencies here 'css!common/css/base.css' // look ma, no cssx path in my prefix! ], function (/* dependencies */) { // do something really cool here } ); ---------------------------------------- How do I get assistance using cssx? Discussion group coming soon.
Rewrite of cujo's cssx library for extending css in older browsers (requires an AMD loader)