
The goal of this project is to develop programming skills by implementing the game of Frog. The game is explained in the file [].

Development first takes place in an interactive python3 shell, e.g. ipython3. Development should meet these milestones:

1. Support board creation and initialization.
2. Support peek and swap functions.
3. Support game logic to allow user to solve puzzle.
4. Recognize a winning state and congratulate the user.

Subsequent milestones might be: 2. Support run on its own, without ipython. 4. Support the undoing of moves. 3. Be colorful.

There is no intelligence at this point. An intelligent program would be able to look at a board configuration and determine whether a win is still possible. A still more intelligent program would be able to solve the puzzle for the user.

Which is to say: even this simple case of a simple Frog game has the potential to be developed in interesting ways that will be challanging and educational for the beginning programmer.